| Wife of Pastor Charged with Sodomy, Possession of Child Porn
May 31, 2012
Beth Lynnette Allen / Courtesy of Mississippi County Sheriff's Dept.
Kenneth N. Allen / Courtesy of Mississippi County Sheriff's Dept.
The wife of an East Prairie pastor charged with statutory sodomy and possession of child porn is charged with endangering the welfare of a child.
Beth Lynnette Allen, 36, is charged with the endangering welfare of a child-1st Degree.
Her husband, Kenneth Neal Allen, 36, is charged with three counts of first degree statutory sodomy and possession of child pornography.
The East Prairie community says Kenneth Allen is the Pastor at Grace Apostolic Church.
According to the probable cause statement, Beth Allen is a state paid child care provider and knew about an instance when her husband allegedly inappropriately touched a male child and failed to report it.
Beth Allen said she was aware her husband would enter the bathroom, sometimes multiple times when boys were bathing and would sleep with the boys in their home, according to court documents.
Mothers of the alleged victims said Allen was like a neighborhood babysitter. They said kids would stay with him overnight while parents worked. The moms said since he was a pastor they trusted him. They say he helped the kids make Facebook pages.
One mom said she became suspicious when she went to pick her son up from Allen's house, and her son came out only wearing boxers, a different pair than he was wearing when he left home, and covered in lotion.
Another mom says now, her son has talked about similar instances occurring years ago with Allen.
According to court documents, Allen admitted to having adult porn on his computer and sleeping in bed with boys in their boxers. Police took computers, a cell phone, and digital camera from Allen's home.
Court documents claim Allen told police he looked up video on the internet to educate boys about circumcision.
Allen told police of three instances when he accidentally inappropriately touched a child, according to court documents.
Allen also admitted to police of going into the bathroom while the boys took showers, but to give them a towel or soap, according to the court papers.
He also told police he had been a victim of sexual abuse for several years as a child.
Ann Allen, Ken Allen's mother, said the stories and accusations are lies. She said she doesn't think the parents should have taken the boys to Allen's house so much, and said she wonders where the police were then.
Church members at Grace Apostolic Church said they don't think the accusations against their pastor are true.
People in the East Prairie community said they're shocked. One woman said the whole ordeal makes her sick.
Beth Allen's bond is set at $25,000.
The case is ongoing and the investigation continues which is being led by Mississippi County Sheriff Keith Moore.
The Mississippi County Sheriff urges any victims wanting to come forward to call the Mississippi County Sheriff's Department.