| Polygamist Paedophile Warren Jeffs Has a Revelation in Prison: Don't Abuse Women
By Emma Reynolds
Daily Mail
May 30, 2012
New perspective: Convicted Warren Jeffs has said women should be 'free' and should not be abused
Harem: Dozens of the 56-year-old's 78 brides, some of whom were as young as 12, with Jeffs fathering a child by a wife who was only 15
Defensive: Jeffs, pictured looking shaven and dishevelled after being jailed, always insisted the charges were an attack on his people and his religion
Letters from prison: Jeffs is serving a 130-year sentence for marrying and sexually abusing underage girls at Powledge Unit, near Palestine, Texas
Deep believer: Jeffs led the temple of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Eldorado, Texas
Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs has shared an apparent change of heart in his latest 'revelation' from prison, writing that women should not be abused.
The Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints Church leader is serving a 130-year sentence at Powledge Unit near Palestine, Texas, for systematic child sex assault and marrying underage girls.
The 56-year-old's 'revelation', one of a series of religious messages he has addressed to the Utah State Attorney General, is dated 13 May, just days before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected his appeal.
Jeffs wrote, 'Let women be free, to be educated, to have full protection from abuse, ye nations', Fox News reported.
'Let this truth awaken all to have life, yea, individual lives, in order, a holy Way of living my law of love for all, through pure way living on World.'
His sect, based in Colorado City and its sister community of Hildale, practices polygamy in arranged marriages that have sometimes involved underage girls.
Jeffs was convicted last year of sexually assaulting two of his many underage brides when they were 12 and 15 in the notorious case.
He was said to have at least 78 plural wives, according to court documents.
DNA evidence presented during the infamous trial proved Jeffs had fathered a child with a 15-year-old child bride.
Graphic audio recordings were played on which he was apparently heard sexually assaulting a 12-year-old and instructing other minors on how to please him sexually.
'If the world knew what I was doing, they would hang me from the highest tree,' Jeffs wrote in a chilling journal entry from 2005 - one of thousands of pages of notes seized by authorities.
The girls were told they that in submitting to his sexual needs in sessions Jeffs branded 'heavenly' or 'celestial', they were pleasing God and helping to atone for the sins of their community.
During his bizarre self-representation while on trial for sexual assault, the paedophile repeatedly insisted that the charges were an attack on his people and religion.
Shortly after he was imprisoned in Huntsville last August, after being convicted following just half an hour of deliberations, he went on hunger strike and fell into a medically induced coma.
But now, the religious fanatic appears to have changed his opinion judging by the relevation pulished in The Salt Lake Tribune.
He condemned sexual abuse, writing: 'Now be of faith love kindness way, so I can spare such in holocaust of war and whirlwind judgments.'