Cardinal Dolan – Salad Days in Milwaukee – Paying off Pedophiles

By M. McShea
This Cultural Xtian
May 30, 2012

Watch your back!

Fat Timmy Dolan's Simony-ious rise to power in the American RC hierarchy started in his days of greasing the palms of perverts in Milwaukee and cooking the books to cheat victims of the much loved and tolerated RC clergy practice of pedophilia.

Victim/survivors of childhood sexual violence by clergy of the Milwaukee archdiocese, including leaders of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( will release and discuss newly uncovered minutes from a March 2003 Milwaukee Archdiocese Finance council meeting where former Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Milwaukee auxiliary Bishop Richard Sklba discuss using church funds to:

–pay off known priest pedophiles and child molesters $20,000 each to quietly leave the priesthood,

–set up a "restorative justice" program to prevent victims from receiving compensation for injuries comparable to cases being filed against the archdiocese of Milwaukee in California, and

–move millions of dollars from the archdiocese into a newly invented "trust" to prevent compensating victims, the first of several such "trusts" to be set up before the archdiocese declared bankruptcy in 2011.

Victims will also be emailing a letter Wednesday to current Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki demanding:

–full financial disclosure of all payouts and "laicization" bonuses to sex offender clerics,

–which charitable funds were used to pay-off clergy sex offenders, and

–the release of the "Dolan Papers", including all minutes of the monthly Archdiocese Finance Council chaired by Dolan and auxiliary Bishop Richard Sklba.


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