| A Message Regarding Fr. Dan
St. James Parish
May 29, 2012
[with copy of the letter from Bishop Zubik]
A note from the Regional Vicar:
Dear parishioners of Saint James,
It is easy to understand the great emotion you are experiencing at this time. Having known Father Valentine for more than thirty years, I consider him to be one of our finest priests who has many gifts, including being a good leader.
During this interim time I promise my prayers for Father and for the parish. As the temporary administrator my role is to see that parish sacramental life continues uninterrupted. For those who have scheduled weddings, please know these will be celebrated, albeit with a substitute priest. The same is true for baptisms and for any funerals that may take place.
Please be patient and understanding. Given the decreasing numbers of priests available we may have to rely on those who are retired for assistance. Because of my other responsibilities, it is not possible for me to spend many hours at the parish, but I do plan to be present throughout the coming week(s) as necessary.
If there is any emergent need do not hesitate to contact the Vicariate Office, 412-456-5648, or to email me at sjesposito@diopitt.org
Also included here is the letter from Bishop Zubik that was read at the Masses this past Sunday - select "read more" below