| Machiavelli Back in Rome?
By Gerald T. Slevin
Richard Sipe
May 27, 2012
[with pdf]
MACHIAVELLI BACK IN ROME? .... The straightforward advice to lie, steal and punish that Machiavelli craftily gave a papally related Prince a half millenium ago is apparently followed today in the Vatican at times more diligently than the Gospel message. This imperial pope is a highly disciplined and demanding World War II veteran who has appointed an obedient and subservient officer corp. He brooks no disobedience or dissent. The increasingly evident corrupt conspiracy that Joseph Ratzinger, the current pope, has effectively overseen for decades in Rome has many branch offices, as we are learning daily, throughout the worldwide Church, including in the US as well as Mexico.
It is important that Catholics see some of the bigger picture so vividly encapsulated locally in Mexico in the sordid Maciel story that has been reported so well by Jason Berry. Incidentally, Canon "L"aw, like "T"radition and "M"agisterium, is mostly whatever the pope in Rome at the time says it is, regardless of Canon Law's (and Tradition's and the Magisterium's) often obvious conflict with the Gospel message and authentic church history. Most clerical scholars appear fearful understandably of pointing out these conflicts.
The Maciel crime story even has a current American connection to, and some parallels with, the currently exploding Philadelphia Archdiocese's priest abuse cover-up scandal.
As Jason Berry reported in his "Vows of Silence" book, a former Mexican seminarian's early report on Maciel's crimes was made in a detailed official letter sent in 1976, almost four decades ago, by Msgr. John Alesandro, then the Chancellor of the Rockville Centre Diocese
on Long Island, NY. The Mexican priest was then resident in the LI Diocese. This Diocese is now run by Bishop Murphy, a long time accomplice of one of the pope's favorite overseers of priest predators, Boston's fugitive Cardinal Law.