| Struggle between Currents of Thought Could Be Considered Symptom of a Crisis of Government
By Paolo Mastrolilli
Vatican Insider
May 26, 2012
John Allen Jr.
The most authoritative Vatican analyst in the United States shares his thoughts on the Vatican leak crisis
"I can't help but wonder whether this whole affair can really be ascribed to the Pope's butler alone, or if someone else is pulling strings behind the scenes."
John Allen is sceptical. The most authoritative Vatican analyst in the United States has trouble believing that the entire secret document affair, which has emerged in the past few months from the innermost offices of the Holy See, will end with the arrest of Paolo Gabriele.
Why doesn't this version of the facts convince you?
"I've read the opinions of those who put forward the suspicion that the Pope's butler may simply be a scapegoat and I share that view. I can't help but think that 'Vatileaks' can't simply be traced to one butler but to some high-ranking ecclesiastical figure who has remained behind the scenes. It's a question that remains unanswered, but I don't find the answer given so far, Gabriele's arrest that is, entirely convincing."
Couldn't he have stolen these documents for personal reasons?
"From what I've heard, this butler is a very down-to-earth, religious person. I don't know him personally, but the description of him that is going round does not match the profile of the alleged spy."
What is your interpretation of this affair?
"Looking at it from a distance, from the outside in, it seems, above all, to be an internal struggle among currents of power in the Vatican. I have doubts about the fact that everything can be traced to an employee of the papal apartments. It seems to be a more complex situation, with rather ominous interests behind it all."
Who are the real parties involved?
"I believe that there are various currents in the Holy See, some close to Secretary of State Bertone and others not."
So, are Bertone's enemies using these documents to harm him?
"It's obvious that the Vatican is a great bureaucratic machine and in every great bureaucracy there are different currents that struggle for power. The documents that have been published should be studied carefully, because they have different characteristics: some concern general issues, others seem more politically targeted. However it seems clear to me that, generally speaking, this can't be a random event."
Is that why you have doubts about Gabriele's sole responsibility in this matter?
"I find it difficult to explain everything away with a simple layman, someone who is moreover described as a down-to-earth person, in an environment like the Vatican. Unless, that is, he's been recruited by someone or is being used as a scapegoat, according to the suspicions of esteemed commentators."
If we leave aside the legal details of the affair and concentrate on the general political effects for a moment, what would you say is happening in the Vatican?
"Many people think – and I have reason to believe – that a crisis of government is underway. Some hold Bertone responsible, others hold his enemies responsible, but there's no doubt that several things are going wrong, to say the least."
What conclusions do you draw from this affair as a person who is looking at it from the outside?
"There's a great deal of concern all over the world and I've noticed this when talking to many different sources. The basic problem is the Church's image and above all the message it sends out. Benedict XVI is a pastor who is saying a lot of important things at a very difficult time. There is good news to spread about the Church's work; there is good news to send out, thanks to the Pope's efforts. However, all of this is being hindered and overshadowed by the constant difficulties that emerge within the Vatican. The real damage being done by this deep crisis of government is that it makes it very difficult to tell the Church's positive story. The average Catholic isn't aware of who is personally responsible, or in any case isn't interested. However the image that emerges on the whole is that of an organisation that is always intent on tackling its own problems and so prevented from announcing its mission."