| " the Serious Allegations of Fr. Amorth Are Ignored by the Vatican"
By Giacomo Galeazzi
Vatican Insider
May 26, 2012
Pietro Orlandi
Interview with Piero Orlandi on the eve of the March for Emanuela scheduled in Rome. The exorcist had talked about seedy parties and grooming instances involving a policeman
Pietro Orlandi, on Sunday you will lead a march to ask for the truth concerning the disappearance of your sister Emanuela. What schedule will the demonstration follow?
We will meet Sunday 27th in Campidoglio square at 9.30. A giant poster of Emanuela will be hung on the front of Campidoglio Palace and after talks by various speakers, among which Alemanno, Zingaretti and Veltroni, the march will start. The itinerary will take us to St. Peter basilica. We will walk in silence for Emanuela and for all the people who do not get justice. The presence of many municipalities from all over Italy demonstrates that there is a part of this country that is honest and has a great sense of justice, a part of this country, which believes that values like truth, justice and respect for life are crucial in a civilized society. I believe that even a simple march might mark the beginning of a change in the conscience of those who govern and in our Church."
Rome's Prosecutor Office investigated the former director of the St. Apollinare basilica, Mgr. Piero Vergari and is interrogating people who knew about the facts. How do you rate the new elements of the enquiry?
Positively. I hope that this collaboration between magistrates and Vatican, requested by my family for years because it can be decisive to uncover the truth, is prompted by a sincere and transparent will to clarify the matter".
The world media are following the Orlandi case. Do you hope that this interest might prompt some people in Italy and in the Vatican who have so far kept quiet to finally speak up?
I hope so with all my heart. In truth, the pressure of the public opinion has been crucial lately. The constant attempt (that went on for years) to bury and forget this case seems to have failed once and for all. If there is determination and will, I believe that the whole truth about what happened to my sister could be revealed as there are elements resulting from years of investigations that can lead to it. The Holy See needs to be actively involved in the collaboration and the Vatican itself ought to be the first to demand clarity.
The new edition of the book " My sister Emanuela" that you wrote together with Fabrizio Peronaci includes the whole transcript of the talk with Alì Agca in 2010. What clues did John Paul II's attacker give you?
"He proposed a scenario which I believe should be researched in depth, if for no other reason than the necessity to follow all leads and not leave any question marks unanswered. Agca believes that my sister was kidnapped by people inside the Vatican with the help of the Italian military intelligence SISMI for the pick up part and of the CIA for managing the abduction. He also mentioned the involvement of Opus Dei and he pointed to Villa Tevere as their headquarters. He suggested I should talk with cardinal Giovanni Battista Re
And did you?
Yes, we met. He spread his arms and claimed not to know anything. Then he put forward his theory, connected to the secret services from the Middle East. He hypothesized that Emanuela was kidnapped to make sure that Agca would not name the people behind the assassination attempt on the pope"
Who do you think could help the investigation? Do you expect letters of request to be sent to the Holy See for some clerics or Vatican policemen?
"I do not believe letters of request will be necessary. The collaboration ought to be spontaneous, following the principles Jesus taught us: truth and respect for life".
What message would you like to give to the many people, including common Italian citizens, who support you search for the truth?
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. This solidarity gives me the strength to carry on and I will never forget it.
Do you believe to the sexual grooming lead put forward by the head of the International Association of Exorcists, Fr. Gabriele Amorth?
I think that it is time for people who are convinced of particular theories to start naming names. It is not enough to say, I believe or I heard. Fr. Amorth's declarations are very serious whether connected to Emanuela or not. He spoke with certainty about seedy parties and grooming instances at the hands of a policeman and such allegations ought to be immediately taken into consideration by the Vatican. It's a moral issue that concerns the credibility of the Church. I was shocked and embarrassed by the recent declarations of the CEI Secretary General, according to whom bishops are not obliged to report issues linked to paedophilia since they are not public officials. Such statements do not help the Church.
Did the inspection of the tomb of the boss of the Magliana gang, Renatino De Pedis, in Sant Apollinare help the investigation of your sister's disappearance?
We are waiting for the results of the bones' examination. If negative, which I hope with all my heart, a doubt that tormented us for years will finally be banished.
What developments are you expecting? Do you believe that the five under investigation will face trial?
I expect for the investigation to continue and to cover all grounds. I do not rule out anything. The magistrates will assess the matter and I still trust in them.