Tom Fuentes" Funeral a Parade of Pedophile Protectors and Apologists

By Gustavo Arellano
Orange County Weekly
May 24, 2012

We at the Weekly had enough respect for former GOP chairman Tom Fuentes to not invade his funeral yesterday and cause a scene--but we're beholden to the truth, so damn straight we're going to blast his funeral for the parade of pedophile apologists and protectors that it was.

The main attraction, of course, was Fuentes, rotting in hell as we speak for his longtime role as the communications director for the Catholic Diocese of Orange at a time where local priests were raping kiddies as if their jobs depended on it. But testifying on Fuentes' behalf were men that the Fuentes family should've kept a state away for their sick association and support of pedophiles, both of the priestly and not variety.

Roll call of the pedophile apologists!

*Giving the homily was the man who replaced Fuentes as communications director, Lawrence Baird. Baird was a notorious asshole to many sex-abuse victims, defended vile pedophile Michael Harris as "an icon to the priesthood" to the media even as the Orange diocese knew he was a pedophile rapist, and even once sued a sex-abuse victim for defamation (he lost). Yet Fuentes wanted this man to give the homily? Birds of a feather...

*Two other speakers at Fuentes' funeral: current GOP chair Scott Baugh and eternal conservative moron Hugh Hewitt. Baugh was (is?) good pals with convicted pederast Jeffrey Nielsen, while Hewitt consistently spins for pedo-protecting bishops.

*In the crowd was Matt Cunningham, local political hack most notorious for outing sex-abuse victims and for being a big fan of the most cretinous Catholic of them all, John Urell. Fuentes and his family should've banned this pendejo long ago from family gatherings; that he was even allowed into the funeral says all you need to know about Tom's judgement of character.

*Dishonorable mention goes to Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit, who, while not a pedophile apologist by any means, is so smitten with Fuentes and the GOP officials who return his calls that he's blind to all truths right now. Really, Frank? Describing Baird as "one of the few speakers who could match Tom's own eloquence?" Baird sure as hell wasn't eloquent all those times he could've called law enforcement on the Orange diocese's pedo-priests but didn't, just like his predecessor, Fuentes.

Any other pedophile protectors we missed? Leave 'em in the comments below. Heckuva job, Brownie!








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