| Raymond Lahey Stripped of Clerical Duties
Cape Breton Post
May 16, 2012
Raymond Lahey
ANTIGONISH — The Vatican has dismissed Raymond Lahey from the clerical state.
This will mean that the former bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish will no longer function as a cleric, will no longer have the rights and duties of being a cleric, is not permitted to exercise any ecclesiastical offices or functions and is not permitted to preside at any of the sacraments or religious services.
However, any sacraments that he performed prior to this decision continue to be valid.
Lahey was convicted of possessing child pornography.
"While I am announcing this decision of the Holy See, I fully recognize that we as a diocesan family continue to have much work to do as we try to bring renewal to our church," said Bishop Brian Dunn, in a press release."
"This decision reminds all of us of the serious harms that come from all forms of pornography, especially child pornography. It also means that this action concludes both the criminal and canonical processes that are connected with this matter."