| Note to All North American Legionaries and Consecrated from Territorial Director Fr Luis Garza, Lc
Legionaries of Christ
May 15, 2012
It is with sadness that I send you this note, especially at a time when we are experiencing renewed enthusiasm for our mission within the Church. The last thing I would wish is to add a fresh wound when older wounds may not have healed fully.
Nevertheless, it is my duty to inform you that Father Thomas Williams, LC, after consultation with his superiors, will undergo a period of reflection, prayer and atonement without public ministry, and has just issued the following statement:
"A number of years ago I had a relationship with a woman and fathered her child. I am deeply sorry for this grave transgression and have tried to make amends. My superiors and I have decided it would be best for me to take a year without active public ministry to reflect on the wrong I have done and my commitments as a priest. I am truly sorry to everyone who is hurt by this revelation, and I ask for your prayers as I seek guidance on how to make up for my errors."
I know that this will be shocking news to you. In the wake of all that we have been through as a Movement in the past several years, it won't surprise me if you are disappointed, angry or feel your trust shaken once again.
Father Williams has enriched the faith of so many through his teaching, public speaking and writing, and has been a spiritual guide for many in the Movement. That is what makes this failing such a painful reminder that we are all frail humans, in desperate need of God's mercy.
I hope that you will join me in praying for all those who have been affected by his actions, and for Father Williams during his time of prayer, penance and renewal of his priestly ministry.
Any further information is at the discretion of those involved. We will support them in any decision they make.
Yours in Christ,
 Fr. Luis Garza, LC
Clarifications regarding the news about Fr. Thomas Williams, L.C.
Concerning the news about Fr. Thomas Williams, L.C., which he has made public with the territorial directors of Italy and North America, the general directorate of the Legionaries of Christ offers the following answers to some questions that arise:
How does the church handle cases of priests who have a child with an adult? Canon law and the practice of the Church do not provide precise and consistent disciplinary measures.
In some cases, the priest, on his own initiative, may request dispensation from his priestly duties to fulfill his natural duties towards the child or even to form a family.
In other cases, the priest, repented of his sin, may ask to continue exercising the priestly ministry. Then, with his bishop or religious superior, he has to find ways to provide adequate support to the child and the mother of the child. In addition, one has to make sure that repentance is deep and lasting and that the future ministry of the priest is not a motive for scandal or confusion among the faithful.
In the case of Fr. Thomas, when did this relationship take place, when was the child born and when did the superiors of the Legion know about it? In his statement, Fr. Thomas spoke of "a number of years ago". We have no additional details out of respect for the privacy of the mother and child.
Who is the woman? We are respecting her privacy.
Was it an abuse of authority? The woman was a student of Fr. Thomas? No.
Who takes care of the child? The child is being cared for, as required by natural law, but we can't disclose details.
Did Fr. Thomas have inappropriate relationships with other women? From what we know, there were no other inappropriate relationships.
Has this has been reported to the authorities? Despite the moral seriousness of this transgression against the priestly vows, it is not a case of abuse or a criminal action. Therefore, such transgressions are not reported to civil authorities, but it has been reported to the Papal Delegate.
In the case of Fr. Thomas, why was he not immediately removed from his teaching and other public ministries, given that these facts have occurred several years ago? The superiors suggested to Fr. Thomas to act in an appropriate way and to withdraw himself from public appearances. They also accompanied him in his reflection about his personal situation. Nevertheless, it would have been better to act faster and more forcefully. The General Director and his council are deeply sorry for not having acted earlier and more firmly, and they assume the responsibility and ask pardon for not having done everything possible to limit the scandal.
Any case that might surfaces now will be dealt with canonical firmness. The presence and the assistance of the Papal Delegate has helped a lot to sort out difficult issues like this.
Why was this not made public before? We tried to take into account the legitimate interests of all concerned, especially the privacy of the mother and child. However, given the decision for Fr. Thomas to leave teaching and take a time of reflection and penance, we all agreed it was necessary to communicate this publicly, and so did Fr. Thomas and the territorial directors.