| Inland: Authorities Say Kids at Party with Child-molester Priest
By David Olson
Press Enterprise
May 11, 2012
The Rev. Alejandro "Alex" Jose Castillo
The Ontario priest convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy was re-arrested Wednesday, May 9, for a probation violation because he allegedly attended a party with children present, the San Bernardino County Probation Department confirmed.
Probation spokesman Chris Condon said Friday that officers had been investigating reports the Rev. Alejandro “Alex” Jose Castillo was at the party on April 22 and that children were present.
The party was one day after his release from jail, where he had served less than eight months of a 1-year sentence for the 2008 molestation.
Court documents show Castillo allegedly violated sections of his probation agreement that ordered him not to associate with males under 18 or frequent places where minors of either gender congregate without the presence of an adult approved by the probation department.
Condon said his department is continuing to gather evidence.
Castillo will be in court on Monday, May 14, in a hearing for a petition to revoke his probation. He could face up to eight years in prison if found guilty of the probation violation.