| Former Priest of Ontario Parish, a Convicted Pedophile, Is Back in Jail for Violating Parole
By Don Frances
May 11, 2012
Alejandro Castillo
A Catholic priest released early from prison after molesting a boy in his parish has landed back in custody for violating his parole, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.
Alejandro Castillo, the former parish priest of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Ontario, spent several months in prison for molesting a 12-year-old boy, according to the San Bernardino Sun. He was let out on April 21, but ran afoul of the law on Wednesday, the Sun reports. He remains in custody without bail.
Castillo isn’t accused of molesting anyone this time, only of attending a party in his honor where young children were present -- something he is strictly forbidden to do.
Castillo was convicted last year of committing lewd acts with the 12-year-old and sentenced to a year in prison. He also was accused of molesting four other children, including the boy’s older brother, but was not charged in those cases due to lack of evidence.
In response to the recent developments with Castillo, a group called Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests released a statement complaining that “San Bernardino Bishop Robert Barnes has done little to nothing to reach out to parishioners and other potential victims. Why do we know that? Because Castillo's supporters, many of whom raised money for his bail, threw the child-molesting priest a party upon his release.”
A diocese spokesman told the Sun that “The bishop had no knowledge of the party.”