| Vatican Opens Investigation into 7 Legion Priests, SNAP Responds
By Barbara Dorris
May 11, 2012
For months or years, Catholic officials have put kids at risk by staying silent about these credible allegations of heinous crimes. Each of them should have been publicly announced the moment they were deemed credible. And in each case, high ranking church officials should have publicly begged anyone who saw, suspected or suffered these clerics' crimes to call police and get help.
Instead, for their own callous, selfish reasons, Catholic authorities - perhaps dozens of them - said nothing. Their silence and inaction gave each of these predators even more time to destroy evidence, fabricate alibis, intimidate victims, threaten witnesses, discredit whistleblowers and even flee to other nations.
Shame on every Catholic Church employee or member who knew or suspected these crimes and chose self-serving, comfortable silence over their duty to protect the vulnerable.
And given the Legion's long, alarming track record with children's safety, we frankly do not believe these child molesting clerics are being kept away from kids.