| Archbishop of Dublin Wants Smyth Inquiry
May 6, 2012
The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin, made the call.
The Archbishop of Dublin is calling for a full independent inquiry into the activities of paedophile priest Father Brendan Smyth.
It comes in the wake of this week's BBC documentary, centred on All-Ireland primate Cardinal Sean Brady's role in the church's initial investigation in 1975.
The programme included claims that then Fr Brady failed to adequately protect children against the notorious child molester.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin says a full commission of investigation should take place, covering both Northern Ireland and the Republic.
Cardinal Brady has been facing increasing pressure to step down after it was revealed he had the names and addresses of five children who were abused by Fr Smyth.
He acted as a note-taker during interviews with two of Smyth's victims. Reports of sexual abuse were not passed on to police are parents.
Some mass-goers at Dublin's Pro Cathedral on Sunday felt the Cardinal has been left with no option but to give up his role as head of the Catholic Church in Ireland.
One man said: "I think he should resign as I don't think he really has the moral authority anymore."
Another woman said: "I'm really sad about it because I like the man - but it is probably best if he does go, under the circumstances."
Earlier this week, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore called for anyone who did properly deal with allegations of child abuse against paedophile to step down.
The Labour TD said: "It is my personal view that anybody who did not deal with the scale of the abuse that we have seen in this case should not hold a position of authority."
Cardinal Brady is due to retire in 2014.