| Dublin Archbishop in Brendan Smyth Inquiry Call
BBC News
May 6, 2012
Dr Martin said Smyth's victims were owed such an inquiry
The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin, has called for an independent international commission of inquiry into the crimes of paedophile priest, the late Fr Brendan Smyth.
Dr Diarmuid Martin said Smyth's victims were owed such an inquiry.
It would be in the public interest that the full story came out, not bits and pieces, he told RTE Radio 1 on Sunday.
His comments follow a week when the Irish Primate came under pressure over his role in a 1975 inquiry into Smyth.
A BBC documentary accused Cardinal Sean Brady of failing to pass on details of children being abused by Smyth to police or parents.
The programme focused on a 14-year-old boy who had been sexually abused by Smyth.