| SNAP Applauds Ruling in St. Louis County
By Barbara Dorris
April 30, 2012
We're grateful that a St. Louis County judge is letting Darrell & Rhonda Pitts' case against Rev. Billy Lee Little and the Christ Memorial Baptist Church move ahead. (Judge Steven Goldman issued his ruling this morning.) We're always glad when victims are given their day in court, and not left helpless because of archaic or arbitrary legal technicalities.
We hope others who saw, suspected or suffered crimes or misdeeds by Little will step forward. Keeping silent endangers others, hurts victims and helps predators.
The couple represented by Ken Chackes of Clayton (872 8420, 369 3902 cell). Little (who lives in St. Charles County with his third wife) is represented by Aaron Staebell (636-272-3606, aaron@lohmarstaebell.com). The church is represented by Cynthia S. Holmes (721-7010, officecsh@aol.com). The suit was filed in December of 2011.