| Hypocrite Benedict Silenced Fr Tony Flannery – a Compilation… but He Does Not Silence Cardinal Bernard Law and Jp2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
April 29, 2012
A sixth Irish priest is being silenced, but he will not accept the muffler that God's Rottweiler is imposing on his God-given eloquent mouth which he has used for more than 20 years as a regular contributor to BBC radio's Pause for Thought. Father Brian D'Arcy is no docile medieval Galileo as he hits back at the Catholic Church hierarchy and will continue to speak out about church issues, read all news updates below. Father Brian D'Arcy is one of Ireland's best known priests, a celebrity in his own right, a regular contributor to TV and radio programmes. The high-profile priest has been living with the censure for 14 months -- meaning all his articles must be submitted to the Vatican for approval. So why was Cardinal Bernard Law not censured by the John Paul II the Great as he transferred from one parish to another 80 pedophile priests in Boston and why did John Paul II only papal farted at us Bostonians by elevating him as Archpriest of the St. Mary Magiorre in Rome after we forced him to resign in disgrace? Why is Cardinal Maloney of Los Angeles not censured as he continues to protect the JP2 Army of Pedophile Priests in Los Angeles who are free to roam and continue to be sexual predators of young children? The thousands of JP2 Pedophile Priests continue to be priests sorcerers today and they are more harmful than Fr. Tony Flaherty and Father Brian D'Arcy and other Irish priets who are now the target of the Vatican Totalitarian Regime worse than the communists who at least share their wealth with the poor while the Vatican Hierarchy led by the Pope only hoard wealth and not share them with the poor. It is time the Catholics give their money to the Red Cross who are immediately in war zones regardless of the people's religion while Benedict XVI and his only GAY homosexual company in the Vatican Bank Tower wallow in luxury and Hitler-like Nazi power now silencing good Irish priests and American nuns, read our compilation on the Reign of Terror of Benedict XVI against USA nuns here, Vatican attacks American nuns: A compilation. USA nuns live Gospel, serve the poor and sick...while Benedict XVI lives in luxury out-of-touch-with-reality in Vatican Bank Tower http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/vatican-attacks-american-nuns.html
Updated April 28, 2012
[It was the right thing and the right time to do it when Ireland recently closed down its Vatican Embassy in Rome because now the Vatican Totalitarian Regime and Reign of Terror of God’s Rottweiler Benedict XVI is retaliating Ireland from his despot control Vatican Bank Tower by silencing Fr. Tony Flaherty and other outspoken Irish priests. The Vatican Titanic Ship is sinking in moral bankruptcy as it has hit icebergs in Ireland and the USA and in all countries where the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army existed during the longest papacy of Blessed John Paul II, whose beatification one-year anniversary will be celebrated in May 1, read our related articles, Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests!]
[Titanic = 1,500 victims. Vatican Titanic = 15,736 American victims of Captain John Paul II & Benedict Ratzinger]
The Catholics, The Hague and the United Nations must learn from the young people in Benedict XVI own backyard, the La Sapienza University who refused to allow him to give a speech in their school (even if it was originally a pontificate university founded by Benedict XVI’s ancestors popes) and (only) a handful protested at the Rector’s office. Benedict XIV had to cancel his speech and visit to save face. Even the Italian Police refused to protect the pope as “head of the smallest state within Italy” (it would not have cost 100 million Euros to protect him like in Madrid) and they refused to face-off with these young unarmed Italian students (who were not WYD World Youth Day fanatics) who had no weapons except their youthful voice of rejection against the Old Pope. The Italian Police knew their youthful innocence and courage were right-on to refuse to recognize the Old Pope clad in his morally-naked Papal Emperor’s Clothes and listen to his empty-talk papal speech, read our coverage
[These young people knew the facts committed from history --- they refused to forget history -- and the La Sapienza University students and professors refused to allow Cardinal Ratzinger’s past to be eradicated or forgotten by his present stature as Pope the highest and most powerful person in Catholicism, These young people had no fear of the infallible powers of the Pope nor of the Goliath-bully Bill Donohue and his 25 million dollars Catholic League. (They were like the Jews who refused to recognize the present identity of Nazis who have changed names and identities in foreign countries that could neither eradicate their past nor make their victims forgive-and-forget them). Therefore The Hague must likewise not be fazed by Benedict XVI’s current position and must urgently call on Cardinal Ratzinger to go immediately and stand trial for his crimes against humanity, against children to be precise, before he falls ill or dies...and let the Vatican Dream Team try to defend the greatest criminal in the history of Christendom, read our related articles here on details of Ratzinger’s crimes here -- Amnesty International Report included the Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland]
[Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details.]
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for (enough) good men - and good women - to do (and say) nothing. It is time for The Hague to triumph over the evil of Ratzinger and his B16 Army – Benedict XVI Pedophile Priests Army who committed the most heinous crimes against Catholic children in the 20th century for over 27 years together with Opus Dei Golden Cow John Paul II.
It is also time that the United Nations revoke the Vatican’s membership as a “country” because it is only one medieval building for a few only-male homosexual gays priests where women and children are forbidden to exist. When the United Nations annul the Vatican as a “country”, it will send a clear message to all “religion-states” that -- it is not religion and all its fanatic doctrines and inhuman beliefs and insane practices that rule countries and peoples -- but rather it is the UN Charter of Rights that rule the countries and the world. It’s the freedom of speech, liberty, equality, fraternity and the rights and protection of the most vulnerable, the children and women and the poor men, that rule
Because it is sinking in moral bankruptcy, the Vatican Titanic is trying to salvage itself by doing what it does best - by reinforcing its theocratic powers - by condemning the good guys and good women -- who are docile little Agnus Dei’s, obedient and ready for the Vatican CDF or Inquisition to condemn them as Lambs of Silence -- today they are the Irish priests and American nuns. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it -- and obedient Catholics today continue to allow history to repeat itself as the Vatican Theocracy hunt and silence and imprison (in convents like Fr. Tony Flaherty) the good guys and good gals just like it did when it silenced and imprisoned or hunted and burned the good women like Joan of Arc and the good guys like Galileo during the Inquisition (only to apologize centuries later like John Paul II did with some spectacle in St. Peter’s Square and a Hail Mary magical prayer would erase these Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils). The theocracy of the Vatican can only reinforce the religious fanaticism and immoral doctrines and ethnic religious cleansings being committed by other religious-states ruled by religion. As long as the Pope and the Vatican have powers to condemn non-baptized people into the fires of Hell (like the Nazis did with the Jews in Auschwitz) other religions will continue their likewise condemnations on non-believers and kill them, not later in the after-life but right here in this world.
Therefore it is time the world put an end to “religious states” and “religious rule” by first and foremost removing the Vatican as a “country” from the United Nations and for The Hague to call on Benedict XVI to stand trial for his crimes against humanity before he falls ill or dies. The fall of the “Vatican Country” will also mean the fall of other fanatic theocracies or “religion-ruled-countries” and their theocratic rule (against secularists and non-believers) will no longer be valid or be recognised.
[Irish PM blasts ‘narcissism’ of Vatican. The narcissism of John Paul II and the Vatican are one and the same]
Ireland appoints new ambassador to the Holy See...to do what exactly...with a few hundred GAY homosexual residents of the smallest country, Vatican? http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/12/ireland-appoints-new-ambassador-to-holy.html
Ireland leads nations to close Vatican Embassy…beginning the end of the Holy See! Vatican Bank cannot buy souls of SECULAR government officials http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/11/ireland-leads-nations-to-close-vatican.html
Updated April 22, 2012
The Irish Catholic Church is in deep crisis, read news updates below
Updated April 17, 2012 A second Irish priest is silenced. More articles starting from the latest. click on the title and it will lead to the entire article
http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/titanic-1500-victims-vatican-titanic.htmlUpdated April 15, 2012 Here all the articles about Fr. Tony with the The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) in Ireland protesting in an uproar against Benedict XVI's silencing of Fr. Tony... and read our latest article on another of Ireland's legacy.."Titanic = 1,500 victims. Vatican Titanic = 15,736 American victims of Captain John Paul II & Benedict Ratzinger. Titanic anniversary = Divine Mercy Sunday"
[http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/07/irish-pm-blasts-narcissism-of-vatican.html Updated April 8, 2012 We are learning more now why the Vatican has silenced Fr. Flannery, he is being accused of having ghost-written the famous speech of the Prime Minister of Ireland about the "dysfunction, elitism, disconnect...and narcissism of the Vatican...to this day" read the speech here]
[ -- The Irish Prime Minister's speech is better than the Academy Award King's Speech. Way to go, Fr. Tony Flannery! You are a genius! Ireland's closing of its Vatican Embassy in Rome is one of the biggest iceberg to have hit the Vatican Titanic Ship sinking in moral bankruptcy. Every nation on earth should listen to the Prime Minister of Ireland's Speech on the Vatican culture as of today and then close all their embassies in Rome. The United Nations should listen to this speech and annul the membership of the Vatican as a "country" in the UN. Watch the video of the 12 minutes speech here]
April 7, 2012
This is one of the reasons why the United Nations must end the status of the Vatican as a “country” because of the totalitarian regime of the Pope. He preaches one thing and does the contrary like in his recent visit to Cuba, Benedict asked Fidel Castro to allow more freedom of speech and soon as he gets home into his out-of-touch-with-reality Vatican Palace, he silences an outspoken priest Fr Tony Flannery, for his liberal views. Fr Tony Flannery is a founder of the Association of Catholic Priests and has had his monthly column and written his opinions with Reality, the Redemptorists’ monthly magazine for the past 14 years, but now it has been discontinued. It is quite timely that during this Holy Week, Benedict XVI the criminal head of the Mystical Body of Christ is showing his true hypocritical colors as the pathological liar “Holy Father” of 1.2 billion Catholics, read our related article Benedict Ratzinger & Marcial Maciel are 2 criminal heads of the Mystical Body and Legion of Christ http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/03/benedict-ratzinger-marcial-maciel-are-2.html. and that the trial of William Lynn in Philadelphia started and Kansas court has decided that trial of Bishop Finn will proceed, read our related article, insane KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS by Catholic League fanatic Bill Donohue propagating... Bishop Finn make Devil's Bowels smell like roses in KC, Missouri http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/bishop-finn-makes-devils-bowels-smell.html", what a truly Holy Week when the crimes against humanity of Benedict XVI and the Vatican titanic Ship is sinking in moral bankruptcy. Quite coincidentally it is the 100th anniversary of the Titanic and the 10th anniversary of the Vatican Titanic when the first JP2 Army was exposed in Boston, read our related article, Boston 10th anniversary and Bernie Law is still cloning Jesus in the Eucharist http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/01/boston-10th-anniversary-and-bernie-law.html
Fr Flannery wrote after the Taoiseach's address: "I was happy with the Taoiseach's statement . . . Many of us priests are frustrated with the way the Vatican conducts its business."