| Bishop of Hull: 'We'll Help Inquiry into Clergy Abuse'
Hull Daily Mail
April 23, 2012
PLEDGE: Bishop of Hull Reverend Richard Frith.
THE Bishop of Hull has backed calls by a charity for an inquiry into child abuse by the clergy.
Bishop Richard Frith told the Mail he would support any inquiry and would co-operate "fully" with any requests made.
His support comes after solicitor David Greenwood, who is representing more than 150 victims of abuse at a notorious East Yorkshire care home for boys, launched a campaign for an inquiry.
Bishop Frith said: "I would support a public inquiry. Unequivocally. I would co-operate, as the would the institution of the Church of England.
"If I were asked questions, of course, I would co-operate, as would all other diocese."
The campaign calls for the Government to set up an Independent Commission of Inquiry into child sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy, and other church officials within all dioceses and institutions of the Catholic Church and Church of England.
Mr Greenwood launched the campaign last week on behalf of the Stop Church Child Abuse – an alliance of sexual abuse survivors, charities, specialist lawyers and people involved in safeguarding children.
Although pledging his support to any inquiry, Bishop Frith said the Church of England already had carried out its own investigation.
He said: "We have, as an institution, carried out an extensive review and I am certain there is nothing which has been covered up or anything left to uncover.
"There are records held on every member of the clergy.
"Ours are held by the Diocese of York and they are the traditional personnel files that most companies would hold on their employees and they include any significant correspondence across any member's entire career."
Mr Greenwood, of Jordan's Solicitors, is fighting for compensation for his clients who suffered physical and sexual abuse at the hands of staff at the now-demolished St William's between the 1960s to the 1990s.
The school was run by the Catholic Diocese of Middlesbrough and has no connection to the Church of England, the denomination to which Bishop Frith belongs.
Bishop Frith said: "Each diocese in the church has a child protection officer, as does each parish, and we have a national children's safeguarding officer.
"You cannot image the pain and hurt the victims suffer.
"There is a determination to make the church a safe place for all.
"There has been a review of past cases and anywhere where there was even a whiff of suspicion the appropriate measures have been taken."
The charity wants the inquiry to have powers to compel the disclosure of all files of clergy, religious and other church officials containing reports and allegations of child sexual abuse.
It is also fighting for the inquiry to receive evidence from victims to be able to compel those in positions of authority within Dioceses and religious orders to attend and give evidence.