| Church Child Molesters" Tragic Legacy in South-west
By Peter Collins
The Standard
April 14, 2012
Gerald Ridsdale
South-west Victorian men are among those who committed suicide because of Catholic clergy sexual abuse.
Confidential police reports listing at least 40 suicides of abuse victims across the state are believed to be only a fraction of the total tragic toll.
Premier Ted Baillieu yesterday hinted he may call for a full inquiry into the abuses, which occurred across the state for decades, and Victoria Police is preparing a brief for the coroner on links between suicides and abuses.
Reports by a Ballarat detective, highlighted this week in The Age newspaper, said investigators discovered “an inordinate number of suicides which appear to be a consequence of sexual offending”.
Convicted former priests Gerald Ridsdale, Bryan Coffey and Paul Ryan and former CBC brother Robert Best all served in the south-west.
Ballarat diocese Bishop Peter Connors said his office would offer full co-operation to any new inquiry.
Detective Sergeant Kevin Carson’s report said his list of suicides “does not take into account the deaths that occurred around the Warrnambool area following Ridsdale being in the area”.
He said it did not also take into account other ex-students of various schools nor the “many, many attempts of suicide made by victims of sexual abuse”.
One investigating officer was Warrnambool’s Detective Senior Constable Colin Ryan who was involved with charging former priests Bryan Coffey and Paul Ryan who served in south-west parishes.
“During the course of the investigations I, like Kevin Carson, identified victims of those priests whom I believe committed suicide as a result of the priests’ actions,” Detective Senior Constable Ryan told The Standard yesterday.
“Families of the victims would welcome any new inquiry into the Catholic Church’s handling of the matters. It was very evident and clearly shown that the hierarchy of the church moved Coffey, Ryan and Ridsdale from parish to parish because of their offending.
“Any family members of the suicide victims would have very strong feelings against the church because the church moved the men into other areas where they reoffended.”
After his offences in Victoria the then Father Ryan was sent by the church to the USA where he again abused boys. Victims later took civil action and were paid compensation by the church.
These victims were interviewed by Detective Senior Constable Ryan as part of his evidence gathering.
The Broken Rites organisation, which has been involved since the early days of helping victims come forward, told The Standard yesterday the real number of victims of clergy abuse may never be known.
“We speak to victims every day and sadly some of the names published of suicides are people we knew,” a spokeswoman said.
“The scars of that abuse have been too hard for them to cope with. Unfortunately, the majority of victims don’t speak up.
“It’s only because of those who have been so brave to stand up that we have the court convictions.”
She said some of the callers were aged in their 60s speaking of what happened to them when they were aged 10.
“Something triggers them to finally speak about it,” the spokeswoman said.
“Many have been carrying guilt for so long because they were led to believe the abuse was their fault. It’s had a huge impact on their self-confidence and ability to be intimate.
“There would be lots of families in the community who wonder why their son or daughter lived the way they did. We are there to help and listen.”
The Broken Rites national hotline is 9457 4999.
Anyone in need of help and support or considering harming themself can phone Lifeline 24 hours a day on 131 114.