| No Charges in Cape Breton Priest's Case
CBC News
April 13, 2012
Rev. Paul Abbass was asked to step down from Talbot House after a complaint was filed against him.Rev. Paul Abbass was asked to step down from Talbot House after a complaint was filed against him. (CBC)
Cape Breton Regional Police say there will be no criminal charges against the priest in Cape Breton who has spoken for the Diocese of Antigonish in recent years.
Police had received an unspecified complaint against Rev. Paul Abbass — who used to run Talbot House — a men's addiction and rehabilitation facility outside Sydney.
They began looking into the case in February to see if there was enough information to launch a criminal investigation, said Cape Breton Regional Police spokeswoman Desiree Vassallo.
"Based on the information we received and gathered since then, we have found no basis to pursue any criminal charges at this point," Vassallo said in a statement.
"We will not be conducting any further investigation into this matter until, and if, any new information should come forward."
The Department of Community Services is currently conducting its own review of operations at the Talbot House Recovery Centre in Frenchvale.
The addiction recovery centre has since closed its doors after a newly-hired interim director resigned.