| Lay Organisations Criticise Vatican Investigation
RTE News
April 7, 2012
Lay organisation claims investigation by Vatican was at odds with Pope Benedict's position on freedom of speech
Referring to Pope Benedict's recent visit to Cuba, a leading member of the Association of Catholic Priests said Pope Benedict XVI could not ask the Cuban leadership to permit freedom of expression if he does not respect it within the Church.
Sources say that the Vatican began investigating Father Tony Flannery two months ago. He has been prevented from contributing his monthly column to the "Reality" magazine. And his order, the Redemptorists, have been told to scrutinize both the Magazine and its editor, Fr Gerry Moloney's, output.
Cardinal William Levada's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has not explained its moves publicly, but for years Fr Flannery has opposed the Church's ban on artificial contraception and obligatory priestly celibacy.
And the recent report by the Vatica's visitation here criticized what it called "fairly widespread" dissent.
The spokesman for the lay Catholic organization, "Pobal" joined the "We are Church" group in opposing the Flannery invstigation.
A co-founder of the Association of Catholic Priests, Fr Sean McDonagh said the Vatican was showing no respect for people's rights and that Fr Flannery was committed to and competent at sharing the faith
But the Dominican, Fr Bernard Treacy, who edits the journal "Doctrine and Life" expressed disappointment that so little was known about the Vatican investigation.