Bankruptcy Judge Reviews Milwaukee Archdiocese Case
April 5, 2012
UNDATED (WSAU) A bankruptcy judge will hold a hearing today on a request to disclose evidence that would expose the scope of previous sex abuse by Catholic priests in the Milwaukee archdiocese.
Judge Susan Kelley is being asked to unseal a court deposition made several years ago by former Archbishop Rembert Weakland. It apparently identifies the offending priests and the children they molested over the last few decades. And attorney Jeff Anderson says it would demonstrate the church’s liability as the judge considers damage claims by about 570 victims of priest sex abuse. The claims were filed as part of the Milwaukee Archdiocese Chapter-11 bankruptcy case.
The church says Weakland’s deposition has nothing to do with the bankruptcy, and it should remain sealed. Anderson says he’s not interested in exposing the names of those involved. He just wants to expose the scope of the abuse, and he says the names should be blacked out. But the church says that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Parts of Weakland’s 2008 deposition have leaked out. He said he secretly transferred sex-abusing priests from parish-to-parish without telling the affected local church members.