| Cardinal Dolan’s Gamble
By Vinnie Nauheimer
Minnesota SNAP
April 5, 2012
The subtleties of Cardinal Dolan’s mind are unmatched. New York’s newest comedic cardinal has outdone himself in devising a strategy to bring the house down at Last Supper services on Holy Thursday. Cardinal Dolan, never accused of being shy, has come up with an incredibly unique way to imprint the message of the Last Supper on the minds of New York’s Catholic elite who attend services on Thursday at St. Patrick’s. All we can do is marvel at Dolan’s sharp and rapier like wit. After asking God to allow Judas to speak on the subject of betraying Christ and being turned down, Dolan came up with the perfect living substitute. He invited Cardinal Justin Rigali in his stead!
Let’s hear it for the newly minted cardinal for having the audacity to pull off a stunt like this! Who better to speak about the betrayal of Jesus Christ than the disgraced former head of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia? Who knows more about turning his back on the teachings of Jesus Christ than Cardinal Rigali whose former diocese is now steeped in disgrace and scandal? Disgusting graphic reports hit the papers on a daily basis as testimony is given describing the seamy underbelly of the church and sexually disturbed priests having lurid sex with minors. Excellent qualifications for someone to speak to the betrayal of Jesus. What will this pitiful, contemptuous former Vatican secretary to the pope have to say about his equivalent of thirty pieces of silver?
Speculation is running wild about the light that Rigali can shed on what makes a man turn his back on Jesus Christ while throwing children to the wolves in a manner that is the polar opposite of being a Good Shepard. Is it me Lord? That was the question Judas asked. Are there anymore offending priests still working in Philadelphia was the question. NO, was Rigali’s answer and yet several months later, when forced to, he announce not one, not two or three priests, but two dozen priests were to be suspended. Like Judas saying is it me, Rigali knew of his guilt.
One can only commend Dolan on finding such a suitable replacement to speak on Judas’ behalf. Of course, we could say it was divinely inspired, but we don’t want to take anything away from Dolan. However, it is our sincerest wish that Dolan does not have the rug pulled out from under him by Rigali. If Rigali can turn his back on his God, what assurances can Dolan have? What happens if at the last moment Rigali decides that he doesn’t want to explain his reasons for betraying Christ? What happens if he gets up and tries to play the role of a Good Shepard? What if he tries to tell New York Catholics how they should behave? How they should be more Christ like? Will Dolan’s reputation be able to withstand the shock? New Yorkers appreciate good theatre, but what bombs in Philly generally doesn’t float in New York. So it will be with Rigali.
Dolan is gambling on a Judas. Will Rigali speak to his betrayal of Christ, children and Catholics around the world or will he play Dolan for the fool by playing the Good Shepard?
Stay tuned!