| Judge to Weigh Unsealing Archdiocese Records
By Annysa Johnson
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
April 5, 2012
The Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which faces more than a dozen civil fraud lawsuits over its handling of clergy sex abuse cases, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January. As the case proceeds, we'll have updates, analysis, documents and more.
The judge in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee bankruptcy will hear arguments Thursday on whether to unseal evidence expected to shed light on the scope of the church sex abuse scandal in southeastern Wisconsin and how the archdiocese handled allegations involving children over decades.
Attorneys for hundreds of victims who have filed claims in the bankruptcy are asking Judge Susan V. Kelley to make public the depositions of retired Archbishop Rembert Weakland, who led the archdiocese for 25 years, and others, along with related documents, all redacted to remove the names of victims and some alleged offenders.
"This is presumptively public information generated in a public case," said attorney Jeffrey Anderson, who represents about 350 of the 570 men and women who have filed sex abuse claims against the archdiocese.
"And we will argue strenuously that the public's right to know outweighs any privacy interest the archdiocese is asserting," he said.
The archdiocese objects to the release, saying that redacting names doesn't guarantee anonymity for victims, and that names could be missed as part of the redaction process.
"Most importantly, the unsealing of these records does absolutely nothing to advance the goals of the Chapter 11 proceeding, which is to financially reorganize and get the archdiocese out of bankruptcy through resolution with its creditors," Jerry Topczewski, chief of staff for Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki, said in an email.
Kelley had previously ordered both the depositions and the documents sealed, the latter under a protective order intended to shield victims who have sought anonymity in the bankruptcy case.
Anderson has said repeatedly that he has no intention of identifying victims. And the move appears in keeping with his strategy in lawsuits and Catholic diocese bankruptcies around the country: to force the release of documents that allegedly disclose the church's culpability in the crisis.
"The more that is known about these cases, the more survivors are helped, and public awareness is enhanced," Anderson said.
Anderson has told the court that his clients alone have documented more than 8,000 instances of abuse and name 100 potential offenders - 75 of them priests - who have not been identified previously by the archdiocese.
The archdiocese has said those numbers are misleading.
Although bankruptcy focuses primarily on financial matters, testimony of church actions is relevant to the legitimacy of claims and the level of compensation ultimately determined through the process.
In addition to Weakland's testimony, Anderson is seeking the release of depositions of retired Bishop Richard Sklba, who served under three archbishops, including Weakland, and defrocked priest Daniel Budzynski, who is believed to have abused several children.
The legal arguments supporting each side were not immediately clear, because even the motions and responses are sealed under Kelley's order requiring all documents containing confidential information to be filed under seal.
The victim advocacy group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests has called on Listecki to drop his opposition to the release, saying a full accounting of the sex abuse crisis is needed for victims and the church to heal.
Avoidance alleged
Some victims have accused the archdiocese of declaring bankruptcy as a way to avoid the disclosure of certain evidence that would be released more readily in state court lawsuits.
Anderson and victim-creditors see the testimony of Weakland, who led the archdiocese for nearly three decades, and Sklba, his assistant for 23 years, as crucial to understanding the scope and the church's handling of the sex abuse crisis in southeastern Wisconsin.
Weakland, who turned 85 this week, resigned in 2002 after divulging he'd paid $450,000 to silence a disgruntled lover. Sklba, 76, who served under Archbishops Timothy Dolan and Listecki after Weakland, retired in 2010.
Weakland testified in a 2008 deposition in a state court lawsuit that he shuffled abusive priests from post to post without informing parishioners, and he referred to Sklba as his "go-to guy" in handling sex abuse cases.
Budzynski, who served at several parishes, appears on the archdiocese's online list of priests with substantiated allegations of sexual abuse.