| Most Priests Prone to Call of Flesh, Says Kerala Nun
By Jose Kurian
Deccan Chronicle
March 31, 2012
Most priests prone to call of flesh, says Sister Mary - DC
While the Catholic Church is still struggling to come out of the impact of Amen –The Autobiography Of A Nun, penned by Sr Jesme, another nun, 76-year-old Sr Mary Chandy, who had served the Presentation Convent for more than five decades, is all set to rock Kerala with yet another tale of bitter truth replete with incidents of sexual abuse, rape attempts and killing of new-born babies, through her autobiography, Swasthy.
In an exclusive interview to DC on Saturday, the nun said that almost all those who choose the cloister are more vulnerable to the 'call of the body than the call of the spirit'.
Fondly called Sisteramma, the saree-clad, soft but strong willed nun was at the tiny rented house of Santhisadhan Balamandiram on the outskirts of the border town here, where she lives with 17 abandoned children whom she calls 'children of God'.
The nun goes back to her own experiences. "I was once the target of rape and when I protested a clergyman's attempt and carried the issue to the church, it was I, and not he, who was put under tremendous mental pressure", she said.
Sr Mary left the order 12 years ago. "Now I feel closer to God", she said.
"In the system when you question the order, what is left for you is only tears and suffering", she added.
"Most of the nuns succumb to persuasive machinations which result in unwanted babies, sin and situations", said Sr Mary.
"My autobiography, Swasthy, when published, will surely create a whirlwind of sorts as I have exposed the sequence of many such ordeals I experienced in my 56 years as a nun", she said.
Is she afraid to go public about such subjects? Or is she rebelling?
"I am not a rebel and am not afraid of anybody, except God", she said. Sr Mary is of the opinion that there should be people ready to express bitter truths, only then can the system be refined.
"Why does the system allow people who are incapable of keeping their vow of celibacy, to continue in the church? Such people should be allowed to have a gentle exit.
However, the nun is not interested in being photographed. "I expect a storm after the release of the book, we can save the 'photographs' for reports after the storm", she said with a smile.
The publishers, Kairali Books, based at Kannur, is all set to release Swasthy soon.