| Abuse Support Urges Church Do More to Help Victims
March 29, 2012
SEEKING ABUSED Members of SNAP, including David Clohessy (left), Executive Director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and supporters gather outside the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul and the Diocesan offices Wednesday, calling on the Church to do more to help abuse victims. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
A support group for victims of sexual abuse by clergy is calling on the Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence to reach out to potential abuse victims who may have attended a Warwick parochial high school.
SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests says two brothers who worked at Bishop Hendricken High School have been 'credibly accused' of abuse, and a judge in the bankruptcy filing of their Irish Christian Brothers order has set a deadline of August 1, 2012 for abuse victims to come forward to seek justice and compensation.
"A judge has given victims an August first deadline, by which they must come forward and seek justice and expose predators or else they're left out in the cold," said David Clohessy, Executive Director of the St. Louis, Missouri based SNAP.
"We obviously believe that the bishop should err on the side of openness and transparency and child safety, and reach out to anybody who either saw, suspected or suffered any crimes," said Clohessy.
A representative from the Bishop's office accepted a statement from the group, while Bishop Hendricken High School issued a statement from President John A. Jackson:
"The Congregation of Christian Brothers, North American Province, served Bishop Hendricken High School faithfully from 1971 until 2011. To the best of the school administration's knowledge, no allegations of misconduct at the school have been made against any of the Brothers. The Brothers left the school in June, 2011, and it is now administered by lay personnel. We wish the Brothers well in their future ministries."