| King's Way Coach Appears on Sex Allegations
By Laura McVicker
The Columbian
March 14, 2012
Kyley Allworth, former King’s Way Christian School assistant librarian and basketball coach, makes her first appearance in Clark County Superior Court on Wednesday on suspicion of sexual misconduct. Photo by Steven Lane |
A former assistant librarian and assistant basketball coach at King's Way Christian School made her first appearance Wednesday on suspicion of sexual misconduct. The alleged victim is a 17-year-old female student.
Kyley J. Allworth, 29, of Vancouver appeared in Clark County Superior Court on suspicion of three counts of first-degree sexual misconduct with a minor relating to one alleged victim. Allworth wore a "suicide smock," or a garment made of tear-resistant fabric that is meant to prevent an inmate from ripping up clothing to fashion a noose.
After hearing that Allworth was at risk of committing suicide, Judge Diane Woolard set bail at $50,000.
"There is a risk to society as well as herself," Woolard said.
According to court documents, Allworth, an assistant librarian, lunchroom and recess monitor and assistant basketball coach, allegedly had sexual contact with the girl eight times between Feb. 24 and March 8.
The girl told sheriff's investigators that Allworth had sexual contact with her at the school, as well as the First Church of God, located next to the school in the 3300 block of Northeast 78th Street.
The alleged victim "reported that Allworth had repeatedly told her that she (the victim) could not tell anyone about the sexual contact," according to a probable cause affidavit filed with the court. "Allworth told her, 'I could get into trouble' and 'I could go to jail.' "
Before her arrest Tuesday, Allworth reportedly gave a statement to investigators:
"Allworth said she was aware that her conduct with (the alleged victim) could result in criminal charges and accepted full responsibility for her actions," according to the probable cause affidavit.
While the age of consent in Washington is 16, it's a crime for a teacher, coach or any other adult in a position of authority to have sexual contact with a student.
Sheriff's Sgt. Kevin Allais said the allegations came to light when Allworth resigned from her position at the school late last week. King's Way officials notified authorities.
Reached Wednesday by telephone, Jeff Waldbauer, executive pastor of First Church of God, which operates the school, said staff and students were stunned over the allegations. He said there was no sign of any problems with Allworth; she had a clean personnel file.
Waldbauer said counselors were on hand for students and all parents were notified Tuesday of Allworth's arrest.
"This has been a very, very sad, heartbreaking couple of days," he said. "We are obviously trying to move forward."
A pre-trial release officer, Wendy Humphries, interviewed family members in court Wednesday, who said Allworth had increasingly shown signs of mental illness and a substantial change in character. Her husband of four years had recently moved out.
Humphries said that if Allworth should be released, the family wanted her to stay at a mental health facility.
Her cousins, who were in court, told Humphries they thought she had committed suicide when they went to her home to check on her Tuesday and she didn't answer the door. She had already been arrested.
Outside court, Allworth's cousin, Mike White, a pastor at Hockinson Community Church, called the allegations an "aberration."
"She's a great girl. This is an aberration," he said. "I can't understand it."
Arraignment was set for March 28. The judge told Allworth that she must retain an attorney prior to the hearing.
Contact: laura.mcvicker@columbian.com