| Jeb Barrett: Catholic Church Playing Hardball
By Jeb Barrett
Daily Camera
March 14, 2012
I hope people are paying attention to what the Catholic Church is doing across the nation! Read Tuesday's New York Times article.
Every American should be outraged by the continuing hardball tactics of the Roman Catholic Church across the nation, as they do all they can to silence the truth of their historic sexual exploitation of children and vulnerable adults. They would like nothing more than wipe to out the most important lifeline for victims of sexual assault by clergy, so that we can now call ourselves survivors of sexual abuse. Because of what happened to us, we will never know what it would be like to have not been fondled, raped and sodomized. If you are a practicing Catholic, I believe it is time for you o tell your bishops and archbishops, "Enough is enough--now stop it--be accountable, transparent and honest, stop abusing the vulnerable!" That is the right thing to do.