| Archdiocese: Pastor's Situation Being Examined
By Leslie Truluck
The Patch
March 13, 2012
Answering media requests, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia released a statement regarding the removal of Father Louis C. Bier, Pastor of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish.
Bier was pastor of Saint Patrick's Church in Norristown from 1997 to 2002. He replaced Rev. Salvatore Riccio in Springfield less than a year ago when Riccio left the parish to become a senior priest at Our Lady of the Assumption in Strafford.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia released the following statement:
Father Louis C. Bier, Pastor of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield, Delaware County, has been placed on administrative leave by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. O.F.M. Cap. in response to concerns regarding his suitability for ministry at this time.
These concerns are not connected to any complaint of inappropriate behavior with minors. An announcement regarding this situation was made at all Masses at the parish this weekend.
While on leave, Father Bier will not exercise his public ministry, administer any of the Sacraments, wear clerical garb, or present himself publicly as a priest. Father Bier has not been living at the parish since prior to this weekend. A parochial administrator will be appointed by Archbishop Chaput as soon as possible.
There are a variety of reasons why a priest could be found unsuitable for ministry. As Father Bier’s situation is currently under thorough examination, and no determination has yet been reached, it is not possible to provide further information at this time.
A private meeting was held for parishioners at the church last night.
Patch is working to gain more information. Check back for updates.
“A male friend of Father Louis Bier was arrested in September and has pled guilty to dealing prescription drugs in the vicinity of a home and car owned by the priest in Rehoboth, Delaware. Father Bier has not been charged with any wrongdoing and is not under investigation for drugs or any other illegal activity,” CBS Philly reports.