| Media Release
National Survivor Advocates Coalition
March 13, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States have decided to take a “do as I say, not as I do” approach to the sexual abuse crisis as evidenced in the hard ball tactic of an dredging operation legal strategy against the Survivors Network for Those Abused by Priests (SNAP).
We call the attention of Catholics and all men and women of goodwill to the article in today’s New York Times [http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/13/us/catholic-church-pressures-victims-network-with-subpoenas.html?ref=us]
The indictment of Kansas City/St. Joseph’s Bishop Robert Finn has certainly stepped up the fear factor on the Church’s part.
With an architecture of subpoenas and depositions built with the tools of heavy handed intimidation this strategy makes a mockery of Pope Benedict’s call to “do everything possible” to aid survivors if one assumes he meant it in a good way.
The Church’s only out is that its left hand doesn’t know what its right hand is doing. For such an organization, constituted to do good, not to introduce the left hand’s strategy to the right hand’s is a shocking failure.
We extend our support to the survivors throughout the United States and the world who are scared, suffering and revictimized as a direct result of this strategy.
Contact: Kristine Ward, Chair, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (NSAC) 937-272-0308, KristineWard@hotmail.com