| " I Listen . . ."
Faith Trust Institute
March 13, 2012
The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, was recently interviewed on 60 Minutes, discussing his efforts since becoming Archbishop to address the sexual abuse of children by priests.
One of his first acts as Archbishop was to release the Diocesan files on priests accused of abuse to the Murphy Commission established by the state to investigate the church's handling of complaints. Martin's predecessor had refused to release those files. But Martin has been outspoken in his support of survivors and unequivocal in calling abusive priests to accountability. The Vatican is not pleased.
Archbishop Martin seems to be rebuilding trust with Catholics in Ireland where the church has been devastated by the revelations of abuse by priests. The interviewer sought to paint him as a hero, but Martin demurred: "I didn't set out to challenge anybody. . . . I was doing my job." Indeed. He was doing his job as a Bishop: guiding the Church to be the church, responding to the suffering inflicted by the Church, protecting the most vulnerable, telling the truth.
If the Roman Catholic Church had had more Bishops like Martin, they would not be the sad, tattered shell of a church that they are today. They would not have dioceses in bankruptcy or parishes being closed for lack of funds because of necessary payments of restitution to survivors. They might not be seeing the exodus of faithful members. They would not have forfeited their moral capital trying to maintain the façade by cover-up and stonewalling.
Bishops like Martin would have responded to reports from abused children and adult survivors by removing abusive priests and ministering to those who were harmed and their families and parishes. The children were betrayed first by their priest and then by their church. It did not have to be that way.
Archbishop Martin was asked what he says to a child who comes forward and discloses abuse by a priest. He said that it is usually years later when the adult survivor comes forward: "I try to imagine what they looked like as a child." The interviewer pressed him: "but what do you say to them?" Martin replied: "I don't say much. I listen." Finally a Bishop who seems to get it. Praise God.
This is what has been missing from the church's response for too long – a willingness to be present and listen. This is the beginning of healing for a survivor. So if faith groups are wondering what to do in response to complaints of sexual abuse, this would be the prescription: don't say much, and listen.