| Gaithersburg Catholic Priest Placed on Leave for 'Intimidating Behavior'
By Michelle Boorstein
Washington Post
March 11, 2012
The Rev. Marcel Guarnizo was barred from ministry. Photo by Greg Dohler |
Barbara Johnson was denied Communion at her mother's funeral. Photo by Marvin Joseph |
A Gaithersburg Catholic priest who triggered national debate late last month when he denied Communion to a lesbian at her mother's funeral Mass has been placed on administrative leave from ministry in the Washington archdiocese.
Specific details about why the Rev. Marcel Guarnizo was barred from ministry – a severe penalty – were not immediately available. The Post learned of the action from a letter dated March 9 that is written to other archdiocesan priests.
The letter from Bishop Barry Knestout, a top administrator in the archdiocese, which covers Washington and the Maryland suburbs, says the punishment was for "engaging in intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others that is incompatible with proper priestly ministry."
The archdiocese on Sunday confirmed Guarnizo's removal, and noted that Knestout's letter was read at all Masses this weekend at St. John Neumann. The pastor there, the Rev. Thomas LaHood, added some additional comments, including noting -- and repeating -- that the removal was not related to the Communion standoff, but "pertains to actions over the past week or two." He did not elaborate.
In announcing the penalty on Sunday, LaHood spoke at some length about the disagreements that have unfolded in the parish because of the funeral Mass scene.
"As we know there's been disagreement within the parish over how and to whom Communion is distributed. From my perspective this disagreement and related emotions flow from love. Love for Christ, really and truly present in the Eucharist. However, how we live out this love is important. The Scriptures tell us that we are known above all by how we love," he said before reading the letter. After, he said "I realize this letter is hard to hear. Please keep mind that this is a first personnel issue, dealing with issues of ministry in the church. Father Guarnizo will have every opportunity to present his position."
An archdiocesan spokeswoman Sunday would not clarify if LaHood's comments meant that Guarnizo would not be penalized for his handling of Barbara Johnson at the funeral.
While it was not clear what transpired within the parish in the past week or so that triggered the penalty, several bloggers have defended Guarnizo and claimed, citing anonymous witnesses, that Johnson's version of the story is inaccurate.
Johnson, 51, a D.C. artist, has said that as she approached Guarnizo in the Communion line that day, he covered the bread and told her that he could not give her the sacrament "because you live with a woman, and in the eyes of the church, that is a sin."
Guarnizo has refused to comment on what happened at the Mass.
Johnson declined to comment Sunday beyond this statement:
"The Johnson family continues to pray for the Archdiocese of Washington, Father Guarnizo, and all Catholics during this time of upheaval. While we understand this letter does not pertain to the events that occurred at our mother's funeral, we are hopeful that Bishop Knestout's decision will ensure that no others will have to undergo the traumatic experiences brought upon our family. We urge all Catholics to put aside political points of view, and pray that our Church will remain in Christ's love."
The interaction between Johnson and Guarnizo, who grew up in Northern Virginia and has spent much of his ministry in Russia and Eastern Europe, triggered intense debate and feelings among Catholics on the Web. Some said being in a same-sex relationship makes someone automatically ineligible for Communion, a moment that Catholicism teaches creates the actual presence of Jesus Christ and is not for people outside of a "state of grace." Others said the process of determining a person's "state of grace" is a far more complex and personal, something between a Catholic and God.
In the days after the funeral Mass, the archdiocese issued an apology to Johnson and sent a letter stating that Guarnizo's refusal of Communion to her was against the policy of Archbishop Donald Wuerl, who has said it is not the right time or place for a spiritual standoff. But in a public statement published by the Post, the archdiocese seemed to imply that both sides were at fault:
"We believe that to receive Communion, a person should be in the state of grace, which means that they are not conscious of having committed a sin serious enough that it ruptures their relationship with God. As with any relationship, it is not just a one-sided judgment that determines what hurts the relationship with God. This determination is based on what the Church teaches objectively from sacred Scripture and tradition of Christian experience. If a person is conscious of having committed a grave sin, he or she may not receive Communion until they have received absolution in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A person who is conscious of grave sin but has no opportunity to go to Confession may receive Communion for a serious reason, but first that person must pray to Christ expressing their sorrow, also known as a perfect act of contrition, and have the intention of going to Confession as soon as possible."
According to Johnson, this weekend's homily from St. John Neumann's pastor, the Rev. Thomas LaHood, repeated that the suspension was unrelated to her case. Some local Catholic bloggers have reacted angrily, though, calling for a boycott of donations to the archdiocese.