Davis Guggenheim, Frankie Muse Freeman, Rush – Again

Berger's Beat
March 9, 2012

Of the GM at St. Louis Country Club who was fired, the club’s prez’s letter said he was fraudulently inflating the charges of members’ monthly bills, which has been going on for years. The investigation continues and undoubtedly, there will be large reimbursements due to some members – particularly those who gave large parties. . .Famed civil rights attorney Frankie Muse Freeman was at Lindbergh High speaking with principal Ron Helms and administrators from Dr. Chris Nicastro’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education about diversity and student achievement. Among the youngsters involved in the group discussion were Brian Barrett and Dan Anderson-Little of the widely-acclaimed Cultural Leadership program, founded by Karen Kalish. . .Galen Suppes, Mizzou prof of chemical engineering, is in the process of developing a new car battery to put more electric cars on the highway. . .St. Louisan and Oscar-winning director Davis Guggenheim is touting his just-completed, “The Road We’ve Traveled,” for Pres. Obama’s upcoming campaign. “I couldn’t find any faults with the President,” he told Piers Morgan. Davis’s parents are the late film-maker Charles Guggenheim and Marion Streett. In the 1950s, Charles toiled from his shop on Film Row in the 3300-block of Olive Street. . .High profile barrister Gloria Allred has shot a missive to authorities in Florida suggesting an investigation of Rush Limbaugh’s recent tirades against Georgetown student Sandra Fluke and suggested Rush violated a first-degree misdemeanor statute. . .Sedentary people have lots of health problems. So, doctors face a dilemma: how to tease out exactly what conditions are due to what factors. But University of Missouri researchers have figured out an ingenious way to better study patients who don’t get around much. Catherine Mikus and John Thyfault are getting otherwise active subjects to agree to limit their physical movements, then documenting the effects. Their initial findings are in the issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. . .Thousands of families – in Joplin, southern Illinois and through tornado-ravaged Midwest – won’t be glad to hear this one. A Minneapolis preacher blogs that “every deadly wind in any town is a divine warning to every town,” “God alone has the last say in where and how the wind blows” and It’s wrong, says author and Pastor John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church, to ascribe the recent $2 billion in property damage across 12 states to Mother Nature. “If a tornado twists at 175 miles an hour and stays on the ground like a massive lawnmower for 50 miles, God gave the command,” he claims. But Piper admits he “doesn’t know why if God has a quarrel with America that he wouldn’t show his displeasure in Washington or Hollywood instead of places like Henryville, Ind.,” according to the Associated Baptist Press. . .After weeks with no representation, SNAP has found two attorneys who are volunteering to help in its battle against Kansas City Catholic officials who are trying to get 20+ years of the group’s private communications. They are Kirkwood native Brian Bacon (now of Columbia) and Brendan Donelon of Kansas City. Bacon himself was abused as a youngster by a Marianist teacher, Brother William Mueller, at Vianney High here. (Mueller faces more than 50 allegations of abuse in three states and also taught at Chaminade. Donelon’s a lifelong Missourian and grad of UMKC law school.








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