| 'Startling Revelation': Excerpts from the Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Case
By Peter Hall and Michael Duck
Morning Call
March 4, 2012
READ THE STORY: Cullen had secret list: New court filing says Allentown bishop, four others knew of 35 allegedly abusive priests
Nearly two decades ago, Allentown Bishop Edward Cullen was one of two or three high-ranking clergy present when the head of the Philadelphia Archdiocese ordered the shredding of a list of 35 priests suspected of sexually abusing children, according to a recent court filing in Philadelphia.
A copy of that list and a 1994 memo recording Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua's instructions to destroy it has turned up in the case of Monsignor William Lynn, a former archdiocesan official charged with endangering the welfare of children and conspiracy for allegedly enabling priests to molest children.
Below are several key excerpts from the most recent filings in Lynn's case.
From Lynn's motion to dismiss (click to read the full document)
Obstruction of justice? (p. 6)
Lynn's attorneys say the discovery of a surviving copy of Lynn's list and Molloy's memo describing Cardinal Bevilacqua's order to shred the other copies is evidence Bevilacqua, Cullen and others obstructed justice during the 2003-2004 grand jury investigation. Prosecutors say the newly discovered evidence may well lead to additional charges, but that is irrelevant to the charges Lynn is now facing.
From prosecutors' response to Lynn's motion (click to read the full document)
New evidence could lead to new charges (p. 19)
The Philadelphia district attorney’s office made clear the documents could expand the scope of its case.
"A smoking gun" (p. 26)
Prosecutors say the discovery of Lynn's list of priests suspected of child sexual abuse is "the equivalent of a smoking gun" for their case. The memo shows Lynn allegdly recommended the Rev. Edward Avery for positions where he had the opportunity to molest children even though he knew Avery had a history of sexual misconduct.
Molloy's 'secret archives' memo
As part of Lynn's motion to dismiss, he attached the following memo from March 1994 as 'Exhibit B.' Lynn and his attorneys say it is a record of Bevilacqua's order for Monsignor James E. Molloy to shred copies of Lynn's list of priests suspected of sexual abuse. Click the 'TEXT' tab to read a typed transcription of Molloy's handwritten note, or click here to see Lynn's full motion.
Office of: Vicar for Administration
FROM: Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua
Monsignor James E. Molloy [handwriting: initials "JEM"]
RE: 18 February 1994
Materials in secret archives
The enclosed report, of today's date, from Father Lynn is
forwarded for your review in anticipation of discussion to be
held at the Issues meeting scheduled for 21 February.
Attachment (s)
cc: Bishop-elect Edward P. Cullen (w/a)
[The following text is added in cursive longhand]
On 3-22-94 at 10:45 AM I shredded,
in the presence of Reverend Joseph R. Cistone,
four copies of these lists from the secret
1. the "file" copy ("original" recevied from the Office for Clergy)
2. my copy for discussion at Issues
3. Cardinal Bevilacqua's copy
4. Bishop-elect Cullen's copy.
This action was taken on the basis of a directive I received
from Cardinal Bevilacqua at the Issues meeting of
3-15-94 (excerpt attached) and with the
understanding that, as a result, this information will
not be housed in the Office of the Vicar for Administration
but could be obtained, if needed, from the Office for Clergy
Monseigneur James E. Molloy 3-22-94
[added in the left margin in a different handwriting]
witnessed: Rev. Joseph R. Cistone