| Back from Rome, Gop-Loving Archbishop Listecki Hits Back Again
Mal Contends...
February 29, 2012
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
[with video]
Annysa Johnson in the MJS notes this morning that, "Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki, who just returned from a papal meeting in Rome, issued a letter to local Catholics on Tuesday excoriating the media, lawmakers and plaintiffs' attorneys in the bankruptcy."
I could not think of a less credible character than the pederast-protecting, Scott Walker-defending Listecki to excoriate anybody.
Listecki's letter is an outrage in itself referring to the legion of sexual attacks against minors by stating child rape has: "sometimes [been] very badly handled by Church leaders."
You think?
That's right Listecki, mass rape of children has been badly handled, as in enabled and perpetrated; but Listecki cries out that the Catholic Church is the real victim.
There is no excuse for what happened within the Church. But there is also no excuse for public officials or media to hold the Church to a different standard than other institutions in society.
As a Church, WE voluntarily hold ourselves to a higher standard.
I was not aware of the media or any public official taking up the cause of rapists and sexual assualt perpetrators, except for the Catholic Church.
As Gene Lyons writes in Salon: "In a bankruptcy proceeding [in early February], the diocese of Milwaukee listed 8,000 claims of sexual abuse among its liabilities. I'm with Esquire's Charles P. Pierce, who writes that the great contraceptive kerfuffle with the Obama administration represents a fairly obvious power play by 'the institutional American church to regain the power and influence in the secular government that it lost when it was exposed to be a multigenerational conspiracy to obstruct justice.'"
To keep up on the higher standards of the Catholic Church, see SNAP, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, working since 1988 to stand up for and help heal the sexually abused. And please check out the video below:
Murder of Our Soul from Farcry Productions on Vimeo.