| Community Reaction to New Details in Scouts Canada Report
CBC News
February 19, 2012
Police in Ontario are launching an investigation into new allegations that Scouts Canada hid instances of sexual abuse. (CBC)
The CBC's The Fifth Estate has uncovered details in two past sexual abuse cases handled by Scouts Canada that were never reported to police.
Recently uncovered documents show that in 1978 scouting leaders in Brockville, Ont., suspected there "may be several undesirables who have been involved in Scouting and removed discreetly without their files being flagged."
The news generated a large response from the CBC Community. Many voiced disappointment and condemnation of Scouts Canada's conduct. We can't reprint all of them, but here's a selection:
"The abuse that happened in the scouts and the failures that the organization had in dealing with or reporting the crimes is horrific. By attempting to 'sweep it under the rug' they have let many abusers get away with their crimes and potentially allowed them to victimize kids again." - montecore
"This is the some of the most disgusting, disturbing, despicable, vile stuff I have ever read. If I had a young son I wouldn't let him anywhere near your 'organization.'" - Karin_Lee
"What were our parents thinking when they gave no thought to us going to the homes of our teachers, coaches, and leaders? When they told us not to talk ill of the creepy guy down the street, or to mind your own business when you told them your friend might need help. How many generations of parents and adults before us can we blame for maintaining the silence? Thank goodness today the 'stigma' is gone and we are expected to speak out loud for all children." - teleea
"Scouts Canada should just fold up and go away. They have tarnished and allowed the abuse of so many innocent children, and have no right to continue." - Gawdknows
"It's not just about the Catholic church, the Anglican church or any church. It's not just about the scouts, teachers, politicians or residential school operators. It's really about adults in authority because of their position and adults in authority because of their size and personality. It includes both men and women...It's everywhere in our society. It's among the rich and the poor, different cultures, races, etc. We just don't know about it until it hits the news...It's a world problem much like and part of bullying. And the solutions....wish I knew, except to continue to discuss openly, educate and help the vulnerable become more powerful." - Emorej
Several others shared their own experiences as part of the organization, either as Scouts or former leaders.
"Man, I'm choked. I was never a Scout, but I chaired a Scout Group here in Edmonton for almost a decade. I've never been anything but proud of the travel, spirit and experiences which we were able to provide to the youth in our group...I know we ran a good program and provided a lot of positive events those kids wouldn't have otherwise experienced....but right now I'm feeling kinda 'dirt- by-association' with these animals which Scouts Canada put in (and left in) leadership positions." - The Bird
"I was in Scouts for close to 20 years, this never went on in our troop. It was a great experience for the group of us that were in it for the duration, we learned a lot and had opportunities that some other kids did not. However an observation, our 'scouter' did not really care for our district and head office leadership. He always felt they were too political. I guess he was right. I am disgusted by how they dealt with these problems and I will never allow my son to be a part of it. I will teach him how to camp, orienteering, etc. on my own." BT_Ontario
"I have fond memories of my time as a boy scout. From camping, to canoeing, to tying knots and camaraderie. It was a good experience for me. It really hurts when I hear of the abuse some boys endured. Big mistakes have obviously been made to protect the organization by hiding the truth about pedophiles in their midst. This is never acceptable no matter what the organization." - uranusmile
As always, thanks for your feedback and discussion. If you have any information on this story or other investigations, please contact investigations@cbc.ca