Philly Prosecutors OK with Church-abuse Judge; Monsignor Wants Her Removed on Eve of Trial

The Republic
February 14, 2012

Prosecutors are challenging a defense motion to have a Philadelphia judge removed on the eve of a landmark church sex-abuse case.

Lawyers for Monsignor William Lynn call the judge biased because of a remark she made about potential jury questions.

Common Pleas Judge Teresa Sarmina suggested that child sex-abuse was "widespread" throughout the Roman Catholic Church. Lynn say that shows her bias.

In a written response, prosecutors say Sarmina compared the remark to drug dealing — saying a juror could fairly hear a drug case even if they believe drug dealing is a big problem.

Lynn is charged with child endangerment for allegedly keeping priest-predators in ministry. He served as Philadelphia's secretary for clergy from 1992 to 2004.

The final pretrial hearing is Wednesday, before jury selection starts next week.








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