| Don't Wait for Explosion: Speakers Say Church Must Prevent Abuse
By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service
February 11, 2012
Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for Bishops, leads a Feb. 7 penitential vigil at St. Ignatius Church in Rome to show contrition for clerical sexual abuse. At the service bishops asked forgiveness for failing to protect children and serving instead as an "instrument of evil against them." (CNS/Robert Duncan)
The take-away message from a Vatican-backed symposium on clerical sex abuse was clear: Victims, truth and justice come first. And the church can no longer wait for a crisis to erupt before it begins to address the scandal of abuse.
"We do not need to wait for a bomb to explode. Preventing it from exploding is the best response," said Philippine Archbishop Luis Tagle.
The archbishop of Manila was one of more than 200 bishops, cardinals, priests, religious and laypeople who attended a landmark symposium Feb. 6-9 in Rome.
The conference aimed to inspire and educate bishops' conferences around the world as they seek to comply with a Vatican mandate to establish anti-abuse guidelines by May.
U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the office that issued the mandate, said more than 4,000 cases of sexual abuse have been reported to the doctrinal office the past decade. Those cases revealed that an exclusively canonical response to the crisis has been inadequate, he said, and that a multifaceted and more proactive approach by all bishops and religious orders is needed.
Countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and Germany are among those with the most comprehensive and binding guidelines or norms, Cardinal Levada said.
"But in many cases such response came only in the wake of the revelation of scandalous behavior by priests in the public media," he added.
Learning the hard way, after generations of children and vulnerable adults are harmed and traumatized, shouldn't be the norm, symposium participants said.
"Does each country around the world have to go through this same agonizing process?" asked Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, clinical associate professor of pastoral studies at The Catholic University of America, Washington.
Hard lessons over the decades have taught the church the essential elements of an effective child-protection program, Msgr. Rossetti said, but such standards need to be implemented today around the world.
Not all bishops or superiors are fully on board, he said, as some believe that no abuse has happened or will happen under their watch.
"It is kind of like moving a mountain," trying to convince everyone that addressing abuse with swift and effective programs is an urgent obligation.
"It's not just changing a few policies, it's a change in the way people think about these issues, and that takes a cultural shift," he said.
That kind of conversion did happen at the conference, he said, for church officials who had never heard a victim speak in person about his or her trauma and concerns.
Marie Collins, an abuse survivor from Ireland, said having her abuser's superiors shift the blame onto her and fail to stop the perpetrator caused her more pain and shock than the abuse itself.
At the symposium's start, Collins said that she wanted the church to listen and respect victims and take their accusations seriously. She said hearing a church leader ask for forgiveness for shielding abusers was critical to healing, and she wanted to make sure there would be consequences for anyone who did not adhere to church norms.
It appeared that symposium attendees and organizers were listening.
Canada's Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, and 10 other bishops led a solemn penitential service Feb. 7, in which they asked forgiveness for failing to protect children and serving instead as an "instrument of evil against them." The bishops included Cardinal Sean Brady, primate of All Ireland, who two years ago apologized for having failed to report an abuser priest to the police in the 1970s.
The Vatican's top investigator of clerical sex abuse, Msgr. Charles Scicluna, didn't leave any wiggle room when it comes to complying with church and civil laws.
Everyone, especially the lay faithful, he said, needs to develop the confidence "to denounce the sin when it happens and to call it a crime -- because it is a crime -- and to do something about it."
The "deadly culture of silence, or 'omerta,' is in itself wrong and unjust," Msgr. Scicluna said, and bishops have a duty to cooperate fully with civil authority when civil laws are broken.
Experts, too, insisted that listening to victims and putting truth, justice and their safety must be the top concerns of all church leaders.
Msgr. Rossetti told Catholic News Service that if there had ever been any doubt about the Vatican's position, "those days are over."
The pope and the Vatican are "all on the same page, and so that's a powerful message to every bishop in the world," he said.