| Scicluna Calls on Catholic Church to Act with Determination against Child Abuse
By Matthew Vella
Malta Today
February 9, 2012
Mgr Charles Scicluna: “Being a crime, the State has the relevant jurisdiction to act and people have a duty to collaborate with this state criminal jurisdiction.”
The Promoter of Justice at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Mgr Charles Scicluna, has called on the Catholic Church to set a good example on the sad phenomenon of sexual abuse of minors by clerics.
The Maltese prelate, 52, was addressing a three-day symposium at the Pontifical Gregorian University on the Church's approach to child abuse by clerics. For ten years, Scicluna has worked with Joseph Ratzinger to fight the phenomenon of child abuse.
Scicluna called for greater collaboration with civil authorities, a bone of contention in Malta where sex abuse allegations heard by the Maltese church's response team are not forwarded to the police by the archdiocese.
"We are talking about a very sad phenomenon which does not only sinful but a crime as well," Scicluna said. "Being a crime, the State has the relevant jurisdiction to act and people have a duty to collaborate with this state criminal jurisdiction."
Scicluna said prevention of child abuse begins in families, schools and parishes: "We must ask ourselves how we can detect perilous behaviour and how we can help young girls and boys defend themselves from the malicious intentions of others."
In comments to Vatican Insider, the Catholic news website of Italian newspaper La Stampa, Scicluna admitted that worldwide estimates concerning child abuse in society were truly alarming.
The aim of the Symposium on child abuse is to share experiences and the analysis of the latest scientific reports. But Scicluna says there may never be enough data to understand the truth about this upsetting phenomenon.
"There will always be disparity between the number of cases that actually happen and those that are reported. I noticed that in the Particular Churches (like in the US) where the code of silence has long begun to break, the number of reported cases at first went up dramatically but then slowly dropped again.
"On the other hand the recent estimates on child abuse in society worldwide is truly alarming as confirmed, for the example, by the data collected by the [child helpline] 'Telefono Azzurro'."
Scicluna said the determination to tackle clerical sex abuse was highlighted by both popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. "There is now a greater awareness of the risks for the community, of the damages caused to young people, of the duty the ecclesiastical authorities have to collaborate with canonical and civil justice."
The promoter of justice, who occupies the office formerly known as the Holy Inquisition, said various episcopates in Europe have given special attention to the victims, beyond their required legal and civil duty.
"This is an expression of a healthy and sober solidarity. During the Symposium at the Pontifical Gregorian University a great deal of time will be devoted to hearing the victims. It was suggested to the attendees to meet with some abuse victims before coming to Rome for the Symposium. I pray that the Church may increasingly become a light and healing balm for those wounded by this distressing sin."