| Diocesan Financial Statements
Arkansas Catholic
February 9, 2012
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor
The complete Diocese of Little Rock Auditor's Report and Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, were published in the Feb. 11, 2012 issue of Arkansas Catholic. You may download a PDF file of the report, below.
Dear Friends in Christ:
I am pleased to present to you the annual financial report of the Diocese of Little Rock that is published in Arkansas Catholic.
Those who manage the finances of the diocese are always aware for the need to exhibit great stewardship and responsibility. These men and women work quietly behind the scenes and rarely get recognition for their work watching over the financial resources of the Catholic Church in Arkansas. The finance office has been led by Greg Wolfe for more than 10 years. He is assisted by Kelley Renard, Allan Berry, Roseanne Sampson, Jim Driedric, Mimi Bibb, Laura Lock, Sue Mullins and Cheryl Smith. They recognize that the material and financial gifts entrusted to the diocese come from God. They exhibit high levels of faith, skill and ethics every day.
I also want to thank you, the Catholic families and individuals in the state who have been so generous to the diocese and your parishes and schools. You have made it possible to maintain and grow our diocesan programs and ministries. You are in my daily prayers.
Sincerely in Christ,
+Anthony B. Taylor
Bishop of Little Rock