Abuse Victims Among Speakers at Vatican Conference on Abuse Scandal

Catholic Culture
February 6, 2012

Representatives of 100 bishops' conferences and 30 religious orders are meeting in Rome from February 6-9 to discuss the clerical abuse scandal. Abuse victims are among the conference speakers, and at one point in the conference groups of participants will ask victims' forgiveness.

Vatican Radio reported that

    one Irish survivor, Marie Collins, will address the participants about her own need to hear not just the abuser priests ask forgiveness--something she has already grated to her own abuse--but to hear Church leaders, priests, bishops and cardinals, own up to their own roles in prolonging the suffering by putting the reputation of the Church above the needs of the children in their care.
The conference will also mark the launching of the Center for the Protection of Children in Munich. The e-learning center will serve as a means through which episcopal conferences and religious orders can share information on assisting victims.


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