| Bishop Eddie Long Apologizes for King-Crowning Ceremony
By Jennifer Leslie
11 Alive
February 5, 2012
Courtesy of YouTube
Lithonia, GA - Senior Bishop Eddie Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church issued an apology to the Anti-Defamation League for his role in a king-crowning ceremony last weekend.
"The ceremony was not my suggestion, nor was it my intent, to participate in any ritual that is offensive in any manner to the Jewish community, or any group," Bishop Long wrote in an open letter to Bill Nigut, Southern Regional Director of the ADL. "Futhermore, I sincerely denounce any action that depicts me as a King, for I am merely just a servant of the Lord."
Nigut released a copy of the letter on Sunday.
"I thought it was terribly important that he acknowledge the fact that he made a mistake," Nigut said. "I think Bishop Long participated in this ritual not understanding it wasn't an authentic Jewish ritual and that the man who performed it is not what we consider to be a Rabbi."
Bishop Long came under fire from the ADL and others when video of the ceremony was posted on YouTube. It quickly went viral.
In the video, visiting Rabbi Ralph Messer, a Messianic preacher, directs Bishop Long to be wrapped in a Torah and raised as a king.
"He's wrapped in the word of God," Rabbi Messer told the congregation at New Birth Missionary during the ceremony. "He's sealed by the blood of the Messiah."
Nigut called the ceremony "horrifying."
"The Torah is the most sacred document in Judaism," he said. "To actually wrap someone in that sacred scroll is offensive beyond words."
Nigut described Bishop Long's apology as "heartfelt, sincere and humble."
"I thought it was a very good sign that he realizes what he did was wrong," Nigut said.