| Row over Tennis Legend Margaret Court's View That Homosexuality Is Often the Result of Sexual Abuse
January 29, 2012
Margaret Court talks about her comments on gay marriage. She is a pastor and believes what the bible says. That marriage is between a man and a woman. Picture: Jon Hargest
TENNIS great Margaret Court claims homosexuality is often the result of sexual abuse.
Amid a growing backlash over her opposition to same-sex marriage, the three-time Wimbledon champion told The Sunday Mail "many, many" gay and lesbian people she knew of had "been abused" and this had led to their sexual orientation.
Court, a senior minister at Perth's Victory Life Centre, has already sparked fury among gay and equal rights activists for recent comments, including that the push for gay marriage was trying "to legitimise what God calls abominable sexual practices".
Mental health advocate Chris Tanti accused her of "spreading misery" and putting young gay people at risk of suicide with what he called her anti-gay comments, amid calls for her name to be removed from centre court at Melbourne Park.
But Court said: "We get them (homosexuals) in (at church) and you'll find that many, many of them have been abused". When asked if she felt such abuse led people to homosexuality, Court said: "Yes. You look at a lot of them, that's happened."
She would not be drawn on whether she felt same-sex abuse was specifically to blame, saying, "We'll start another can of worms if I start talking on all this."
Peter Rosengren, editor of the Catholic Church's The Record newspaper, batted away her claims, saying he had "never heard of any scientific study" linking abuse and homosexuality, and that "everyone has to be respected".
In a wide-ranging interview, Court also said:
"The word of God is our TV guide to life. It's not the fear book, it's a love book and it tells us how to live our lives."
"I would have won six Wimbledons not three . . . if I'd known what I know now from the scriptures, on the area of the mind."
Many migrants expected Australians "to change our laws to embrace what they have and I don't feel that's right".
"Christianity is a way forward" for Aboriginal people.
Court also said she did not regret speaking out against same-sex marriage. "I say what God says and that's why I've spoken out," she said. "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.
"I have a right as a minister to say that. You look at the decline in the world today. I think it's so important for values and morals and righteousness to come forth like never before."