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Tac House of Bishops Calls for Archbishop John Hepworth's Immediate Removal By David W. Virtue Virtue Online December 8, 2011
A vote in the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) College of Bishops called for the immediate removal of Archbishop John Hepworth from office. Apart from a few abstentions, the vote was nearly unanimous for his removal, sources tell VOL. Two thirds of all eligible voters voted for him to go. There were no votes in support of his staying as Primate. The results have been sent to the Primate. The vast majority of TAC laity, clergy, bishops and priests around the world have rejected the pope's offer of union with Rome via the offer an Anglican Patrimony through Anglicanorum Coetibus. Hepworth also indicated he will not be going to Rome (as he long promised) following news that the Roman Catholic Church would not accept him as a priest (let alone a bishop); they have demanded that he be laicized in order to re-enter the Roman Catholic Church. This is a clear reversal on Hepworth's part and raises enormous issues regarding his credibility. In a letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion released to an Anglo-Catholic blog, Hepworth opines that there has been considerable dissension in TAC partly caused by very different reactions to Anglicanorum Coetibus including the proper interpretation of the terms for unity offered by that Apostolic Constitution. "Profound doctrinal and moral differences have grown between us. Matters that were not thought of sufficient significance to disclose in the documentation prepared for consecrations to the episcopate have suddenly taken on new and public significance." Hepworth said that a number [of priests and parishes] had begun the first steps towards serving as clergy in the Ordinariates that are now being established. "I expect to shortly begin to receive resignations from members of our College as they advance towards this goal. It will be some months before the membership of the College, and the presiding bishops of the member provinces, will be clear." Hepworth indicated he would tender his resignation as Primate at Pentecost. "I have achieved what I was requested to do by those who elected me, and the proclamation of Anglicanorum Coetibus." Hepworth then said he would remain as Bishop Ordinary in Australia and Japan, and under legislation of the Canadian General Synod, Primate of the ACCC. "Those positions will be unchanged by my forthcoming resignation." An election will then be conducted strictly according to the Concordat. It will be for the newly elected Primate to arrange for a Plenary Meeting of the College and the Primatial Installation, he added. |
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