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Vatican Diary / Benedict Signs, Bertone Stamps The Chiesa November 28, 2011
The complete text of the internal memo that imposes the advance scrutiny by the secretariat of State over all documents signed by the pope VATICAN CITY, November 28, 2011 – In a memo sent to the cardinals and archbishops who head the congregations, the tribunals, the pontifical councils and the offices that make up the Roman curia, the secretariat of state has reiterated the "practice in effect" that governs the publication of pontifical texts. This memo, issued on November 4 but not made public until now, was covered by www.chiesa in an article on November 10: > Too Much Confusion. Bertone Puts the Curia Under Lock and Key The memo – reproduced in its entirety further below – is authoritatively signed by Archbishop Angelo Maria Becciu, who, in his capacity as "substitute," heads the first section of the secretariat of state, the office that most closely assists the pope in governing the curia. It reiterates precisely that the rule in effect stipulates that "in the case of the publication of a document signed by the Holy Father," this should "be sent, with reasonable anticipation relative to the expected date of publication, in printed form and with electronic backup to the Secretariat of State, which, after careful review of the contents, will take care of distributing it to the means of social communication of the Holy See." "The main purpose of this procedure," the memo specifies, "is to defend the integrity of the Petrine magisterium, which could be harmed by the circulation of texts not yet revised or improperly released before the expiration of the embargo on their publication." With respect what www.chiesa originally reported, it should be noted that the requirement of advance review by the secretariat of state applies exclusively to texts that bear the signature of the pope, and not to those simply signed by the heads of one of the offices of the Roman curia. The memo therefore cannot refer, strictly speaking, to the document from the pontifical council for justice and peace presented at the Vatican press office on October 24, entitled "Towards reforming the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority." A document not signed by Benedict XVI, but only by the heads of that dicastery. It is likely, instead – as reported by the agency of the United States bishops, "Catholic News Service," in an article on November 17 – that the memo in question was prompted by a mishap that took place with Benedict XVI's message for the 98th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, presented at the Vatican press office on October 25. In effect, large sections of this pontifical document had been released by the "Vatican Information Service," the online agency of the Holy See, five days before the date set for its publication. This does not change the fact that at the summit held at the secretariat of state on November 4, to address such incidents, there was also talk of the document on the international financial system issued autonomously by the pontifical council for justice and peace, the object of strong criticism after its publication, inside and outside of the Vatican. From this summit came the authoritative statement from the archbishop substitute, who in the Vatican chain of command comes right after the pope and the secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Here below is the complete text of the memo. "AMONG THE DICASTERY HEADS, THE PRACTICE IN EFFECT PRESCRIBES..." Secretariat of State First Section – General Affairs N° 197.356 From the Vatican, November 4, 2011 Most Reverend Eminence, Most Reverend Excellency, for the sake of ensuring a correct and secure distribution of documents bearing the signature of the Holy Father, I must remind Your Most Reverend Eminence / Excellency of the principles governing the publication of pontifical texts through the social communications media of the Holy See. In the case of the publication of a document signed by the Holy Father, the practice in effect prescribes that this be sent, with reasonable anticipation relative to the expected date of publication, in printed form and with electronic backup to the Secretariat of State, which, after careful review of the contents, will take care of distributing it to the means of social communication of the Holy See. Your Eminence / Excellency will understand that the main purpose of this procedure is to defend the integrity of the Petrine Magisterium, which could be harmed by the circulation of texts not yet revised or improperly released before the expiration of the embargo on their publication. While I thank Your Most Reverend Eminence / Excellency in advance for the attention that you shall wish to pay in this matter, I take advantage of the circumstance to confirm my most humble regards for Your Most Reverend Eminence / Excellency most devoted in the Lord + Angelo Becciu Sost. --- TO THE DICASTERY HEADS in their offices VATICAN CITY All the articles on the central government of the Church: > Focus on THE VATICAN English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A. The latest three articles from www.chiesa: 23.11.2011 > Vatican Diary / Gantin on the altars. No, in the dust For pope Ratzinger, this cardinal from Benin was a brilliant churchman. But Fr. Giuseppe Dossetti gave the opposite judgment: an inept and irresponsible "man from Africa," a pawn in a ruinous plan 21.11.2011 > The "Hope" Principle of Benedict the African The pope's offering to the poorest continent of the world: not silver or gold, but "the word of Christ which heals, sets free and reconciles." The reasons for the wager, in the key discourse of his voyage to Benin 17.11.2011 > Arise, Africa! A Guide to the Pope's Voyage to Benin Two of his discourses deserve special attention: the one at the presidential palace, and the final homily. But it will also be interesting to see how he does with the children. And even before this with the journalists, on mine-strewn terrain |
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