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Nonfeasance By Michael W. Ryan The Nonfeasance November 27, 2011
A groundbreaking work about the Catholic hierarchy's knowing failure to protect the Church's primary source of income is now available at and and will soon be available at Barnes & Noble and other booksellers. Volumes have been written about the crime and tragedy of sexual abuse committed by members of the clergy upon young and otherwise vulnerable members of their congregations. What has thus far escaped exposure to the full light of day, however, is the incidence of church embezzlements - most notably those involving the Sunday collections - and the fact that they are connected to a number of the abuse cases and exist in far greater numbers than anyone knows or (among the hierarchy) would care to admit. The phenomenon of Sunday collection embezzlement (the focus of this book) ultimately owes its existence to a long-standing decision by the U.S. Catholic hierarchy to shun the Church-wide imposition of readily available, low-cost procedures that, properly implemented and monitored, would virtually guarantee that every dollar placed in the collections each weekend is, in fact, properly deposited into the parish bank account. |
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