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Relatives of Alleged Victim Speak out about Carlson Investigation WLBZ November 15, 2011
BUCKSPORT, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- We are learning more about the allegations against a pastor and member of the greater Bangor community who died this weekend. Reverend Bob Carlson's body was found in the Penobscot River on Sunday. His car was found on the Penobscot Narrows Bridge. Many people remember him as a kind and beloved member of the community. But we now know that Maine State Police launched an investigation into Carlson on Thursday. Family members of a man who was allegedly abused by Carlson are speaking out. State Police say in the days before Carlson died, they interviewed about a half dozen people about a letter that raised some very serious accusations against the pastor. State police spokesperson Steve McCausland says the investigation began on Thursday. That's when the Penobscot County District Attorney's Office received a letter about Carlson. That letter was passed along to state police. Mccausland says police had not yet questioned Carlson about the letter. "Carlson was the subject of the investigation," McCausland said. "In light of his demise that does not complicate things, although obviously we will not be able to talk to him about these allegations that we may have as a result of the interviews that have taken place, and the subsequent interviews that may come in. The investigation will remain open, at least at this point. We will be interviewing additional people and consulting with the DA's office about where they want to go from here." The Katahdin Area Council of the Boy Scouts also received a letter about Reverend Carlson and turned that letter over to police. Just last week Carlson and his wife won the Katadhin Area Boy Scout's distinguished citizens award for their community service and advocacy work. The Katahdin Area Council released this statement Monday night: "Along with the rest of the community, we are shocked to hear about the death of Rev. Robert carlson. Although his church used the scouting program as a part of its overall ministry, to our knowledge he was never a registered member of the Boy Scouts Of America." While police wouldn't comment on the nature of the allegations against Carlson, our media partners at the Bangor Daily News spoke to family members of a man who they say had an ongoing sexual relationship with Carlson starting when he was twelve years old in the 1970s. Dawn Krog of Bowdoin, the sister of the alleged victim told the BDN: "My brother came clean to the family" a couple of years ago about what she described as an ongoing sexual relationship he had with Carlson, Krog said. "Bob had been part of his life since he was 12 years old," Krog said. "Everybody [in the family] knew." Another relative from Alton who prefers to remain anonymous says, "It was disgusting to see 'beloved' on the front page of the BDN. I wanted to take a big magic marker and write 'pedophile.'" According to the BDN, After Krog's brother revealed his relationship with Carlson, the Alton woman asked him why he never went to police in the 1970's. She says his response was, "Back then he was a pastor at Orrington," and "Who would have listened?" |
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