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Pope Clings to Obscenity, Law, Aimed at Mary, Mother of Jesus. By Vinnie Nauheimer Minnesota SNAP November 7, 2011
Catholics have a long history of becoming quite vocal when perceived obscenities are produced directed at either Jesus or his mother Mary. Why is it they are deathly silent about the longest, largest, most vile obscenity ever directed at Mary, mother of God? In 1987 photographer Andres Serrano's photograph depicting a crucifix submerged in a bottle of urine caused an uproar that permeated the entire Christian community. In 1999, the painting Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Offili raised another firestorm because this depiction of Mary had pieces of elephant dung incorporated into the painting. Once again outrage from every corner of the Catholicism especially from then New York City Mayor Giuliani was vocalized. It was declared an obscenity, blasphemous and every other adjective that could be mustered to describe the horrors perceived in putting a piece of elephant dung on the same canvas as a picture of the Virgin Mary. Moral Relativism says there are no permanent morals and allows for morality to be dictated by the times. Pope Benedict XVI said his fight against moral relativism would be a cornerstone of his papacy. So, where's the connection? What obscene abomination is Pope Benedict XVI allowing against the Blessed Virgin? To fully understand the connection and the depth of this depraved indifference and blasphemous act against the Blessed Virgin, one first has to understand the importance of the Mary, Mother of Jesus, to the tradition and culture of Catholicism. Sacred, blessed, venerated are all words that describe the importance of Mary to members of the Roman Catholic Church. The word Marian describes the congregations that have made the adoration of Mary their life's work. It is also used to describe churches built in her honor around the world. Of all the churches built around the globe to honor the name of Mary, there is none greater than the Basilica of Mary Major or Basilica Sanctae Mariae Maioris as it is know by its official title. Built in the fifth century and dedicated to Mary, it is among oldest Catholic Churches dedicated to Mary. It is also one of only four Basilicas outside the walls of the Vatican and the place where the Pope annually says mass on the Feast of the Assumption dedicated to Mary. This is where the blasphemy against Mary begins. The sacred name of Mary, the dedication to Mary, and all that she stands for would make the any Catholic believe that the man given the responsibility for running the Basilica created to honor her would at least be above reproach. One would also expect that that person emulate some of Mary's qualities especially her love and devotion to children starting with Jesus. After all, the Blessed Virgin's best known appearances on earth have been to children in Lourdes and Guadalupe. The Blessed Virgin's visit to Sister Agnes Sasagawa, a nun in Japan, perhaps foretold of the blasphemy against her being committed by the pope. Sister Sasagawa tells us that the Blessed Mother revealed the following to her: "the Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord" The appointment of Cardinal Bernard Law to the position of archpriest of her basilica speaks to compromises with the devil. The infamous Bernie Law is the living symbol of the filth, corruption and hypocrisy that is rampant in the Roman Catholic Church. He stands as a living testimony to how the global abuse of children is permitted by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. The mere presence of Cardinal Law as archpriest of the Basilica of Mary Major (Jesus' mother) is a blatant slap in the face to every man, woman and child in the world who calls themselves Catholic. It is also an abomination to the hundreds of children from Boston who were victims of Law's gross negligence. Pope John Paul II said the sexual abuse of young people is "by every standard wrong and rightly considered a crime by society; it is also an appalling sin in the eyes of God" Yet he made Cardinal Law Archpriest in charge of the Basilica dedicated to the Blessed Mother. Cardinal Egan called the abuse of children by priests an abomination. What word describes a cardinal that would allow the sexual abuse of children to continue? The word is Law! Pope Benedict XVI said the following about the sexual abuse of children "I ask all of you to support and assist your bishops, and to work together with them in combating this evil. Victims should receive compassion and care, and those responsible for these evils must be brought to justice." Yet he allows Cardinal Law, Archpriest of the Basilica dedicated to the mother of Christ, to remain in charge of Mary's basilica and assist him at mass in her honor on the Feast of the Assumption. As long as Cardinal Law serves as Archpriest of the Basilica, there is dung spread across tapestry of the basilica. Yet there is no public outcry. Where is the outrage from the Marianists, from the laity, from the clergy true to the teachings of Christ? They can't stomach a depiction of Mary on canvas along with dung, but accept without a murmur the living blasphemy of Cardinal Law at the helm of the most sacred church in Catholicism dedicated to the Blessed Mother. The symbol of all that is wrong and evil within the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church stands as a living insult to all that Mary represents. Yet there is nothing but silence. The newspapers tell us that members of the hierarchy from the Vatican joined Cardinal Law for a lavish birthday party celebrating his 80th birthday this past week. This confirms that Law represents something more subtle than the profanity of child abuse. He is the unspoken symbol that perpetuates the evil within the RCC. His presence as archpriest is a very public reassurance to every cleric that loyalty to the Church is the only thing that counts. Crimes, blasphemies, heresies and sins can be overlooked as long as fidelity remains intact. The message is perfectly clear: The current hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church doesn't give a damn about either the global raping, sodomization and molestation of children nor the teachings of Christ. If they did, would they put the Bernie Law on display as a loyal servant of the church and Mary, Mother of God? Hypocrisy doesn't get richer than this! The only question left is when will the Marianists and all those loyal to the teachings of Christ going get off their asses and do something about this insidious beacon of evil purposefully placed in the Blessed Mother's basilica as a show of strength? |
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