Elderly Priest Holds Protest Vigil outside Weymouth Cemetery

By Lane Lambert
Patriot Ledger
October 22, 2011


Drivers on Washington Street had an unusual sight as they passed St. Francis Xavier Cemetery – an elderly priest in black, sitting in a wheelchair, and holding a placard that said "Superiors neglected my health."

The Rev. Philip Laplante, 91, a member of the Marist Fathers order, claims the Marists and the Boston Archdiocese are failing to provide the medical care and financial support to which he is entitled.

With him at the cemetery entrance was Susan Gallagher of Weymouth, who says she is his health proxy.

The Rev. Laplante – once known around the waterfront as "Father Phil" – was ordained in 1948. He fell ill in 2004.

Gallagher met the Rev. Laplante 20 years ago as a volunteer for a charity program. She said the pair usually hold their vigils outside Saturday afternoon Masses.

"This is the only way I know to get the message out," Gallagher said.

The Marist Fathers of Boston could not be reached for comment.


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