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Damning Amnesty Report on Irish Child Abuse 98 Fm September 26, 2011
Amnesty International has concluded that abuse of children in institutions in Ireland amounted to "torture and inhuman and degrading treatment". The human rights body reached the conclusion after examining four official reports into the scale of the abuse in Ireland. Amnesty International says the abuse of tens of thousands of Irish children is perhaps the greatest human rights failure in the history of the State. In the "In Plain Sight" report, it concludes that there was no accountability in institutions. Despite the severity of the crimes reported in the Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne reports, few perpetrators have been convicted. The sexual and physical abuse in those reports can be categorised, they say, as torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under human rights law. There was they say a deference to – and fear of – the Catholic Church. Amnesty says children were abandoned to a chaotic, unregulated arrangement where no-one was accountable for failures to protect and care for them. |
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